Dirty Fool

Huh, did not know this but coincidentally had leftover biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Wife wanted biscuits last night, so I made them, then I needed gravy, so that was made, and damn was that delicious.

If you do go read the washington post piece (it's kinda long), don't go and read the comments. They are disgusting and will further break your faith in humanity. Just when people are starting to see why victim blaming is wrong, this comes out and takes that back a few steps.

How about they work on something new and take a few years? I would much rather see something cool and new then the same old engine with a few extra side-quests jammed in there.

Man, this looks like so much fun. You can tell everyone is having tons of fun with these films.

As a tall skinny dude with almost no ass, this is kinda what it looks like. That said, this is a fantasy world, so that elf dude should have a fucking awesome chiseled ass. I'm talking walnut cracking, stick-coal-in-shit-out-a-diamond ass. Get on it Blizz.


I love these Satanists so much. Troll on you horny goat people, America needs you.

Makes me thing of Equis, but probably less fucked up.

Tip for any cooks looking for a stand mixer: don't buy some cheap low-power crap. If you ever want to use it to make bread dough, it will break fast unless it can take a beating.

Hear, hear, GoT does need more dick. Shows in general need more dick. Dudes, straight and not, see tons of dick. They are fine with it. Women, at lest the straight ones, probably don't mind seeing more dick either! MOAR DIC PLZ

We need GIFs from this STAT!

The innuendo could have gone both ways on this ad if they had tried a little harder. But as we all know some portions of the marketing infrastructure still seem to gamers are all mouth-breathing, sex deprived pervs that only respond to sexual innuendo.

I am wondering when some of these asshat sherrifs will be investigated for refusing to enforce gun laws and other bad shit. Arpaio should have been chased out of office with a fat indictment by now.

Bone broth: know to us home cooks as good quality stock you made at home. Seriously not rocket science here.

Dude can also lay down a pretty good French braid. Look it up.

Does the PTC also complain about violence? It seems a little less violence and a whole lot more ass might make for a nicer generation.

I am not a big car nut, but I love the shit Ken Block does. He is insane. Also, he shares a name with my friend's dad, who is also cool, but more in a caring dad kind of way.

This is true, but since it was discovered, the plethora of other similar drugs coming out in a short amount of time is astounding.