Dirty Fool

I would love to get down with Lufia 2, never got to finish that as a kid. Do they have an Android port of it? I am currently playing FF VI and am at the final stage of Chrono Trigger; two of my favorites.

Why is this video private?

Seriously with the get back to school and get your life on track first. Once that is better established, man there are tons of girls at college.

TF2 F10 is still the best. Don't even need a button combo, just mash with right hand some and you will get it.

Ignore the hater, I feel you. I thought this game would have more depth depth than it does, or at least a little better progression. I though there would be more maps content at launch, but I guess I was mistaken. The "campaign" was a total joke. I mean, why even include that if all it does is unlock things?

I had a great time there last time I visited, maybe don't where there signs that say don't go?

Sure, but stealth kills alllll dayyyy lonnnng.

I find that playing indie games if I am in a AAA game funk is great and visa-versa. Steam has tons of cheap games that are worth the $5-$15 you pay for them. Bastion was a great example of a nice little game that got me out of a funk. Upgrading my GFX card also did that, but that shit is a little more expensive.

he is the gift that keeps on giving. Our very own golden goose.

Remi is Legendary status. His pranks are awesome; I highly recommend checking out some other videos. His Mario Cart one is great.

So can we expect some awesome Black Power plates too? Because I am sure that will go over well...

My cat swings at everything claws out all the time. You can use a laser pointer to make people bleed when she is amped up.

Have to say, was a really big fan of the sphere grid in FFX. Allowed for character customization without set "levels". You could do just fine without having to grind too much, but could make super-beastly-overpowered-doommachines if you did want to grind some.

So if he is not drafted due to his sexual orientation, can he sue for unfair hiring practices?

I always position the burg with the fattest edge to my mouth, one hand on the opposite side. That way as I nom and that burg the ingredients that might have been close to spilling out at first get jammed back into said burg. Works like a charm, and you only need one hand. I do have big hands though.

But did you DO A BARREL ROLL ?

So when is it coming to other platforms, like Android or iOS? I have been enjoying re-done RPGs on my tablet and would love to play this one.

Looks more like a bomb-type enemy from FF.

WoW seriously upped my WPM typing in college. I guess it started getting better with Everquest, but I got much more into WoW.