Did anyone else think Gary was going to kiss his mother on the lips at the end after their last lines? They were foreshadowing the weird incesty vibe plus the gay father the whole time.
Did anyone else think Gary was going to kiss his mother on the lips at the end after their last lines? They were foreshadowing the weird incesty vibe plus the gay father the whole time.
Is this real life or Trial and Error?
"I know who you are" - Gary's mom.
"It's the glasses" - Richard.
I was only aware the pilot had been released with a lot of other pilots from Amazon, and watched it. Didn't realize the series was available. It seems like a sci fi / mystery (like Leftovers somewhat) show based on the pilot.
The preview on HBO Now for me was the Samberg Lance Armstrong send up
and it looks like it's going to be as good as the tennis one they did
last year.
Most acquisitions are aquirehires.
He does a pretty ridiculous turn (along with Michael K Williams) in Spoils Before Dying.
The same company put on Julius Caesar with an African American as Caesar when Obama was President.
I saw a movie with Eva Mendes in it where they had an extended scene with some guy with an erection for some reason. Also Under the Skin with Scarlett Johannsen had a lot of guys walking around with erections - it actually fit the plot.
All the new releases in my Netflix DVD queue are short wait so I received "The Room" today. To use the language of Forrest Macneill, "Zero stars" for production, writing, acting, it's like a 90's Skinemax/Red Shoe Diaries episode without the David Duchovny appearance. Kinda reminded of "The Love Witch" in the…
He should just go to HBO since he's been advising on The Leftovers for the past two seasons.
It's not aimed at you since you think you are immune to it. Local stop = free local news coverage = no equal time requirement, but typically candidates always visit potential swing states, buy ad time there since there is a small proportion of voters that decides during the closing weeks of a Prez campaign. Given…
And this show also gets a ten episode order.
I think it was the dent in the lead character's head. Kept thinking they were going to incorporate that into the story somehow.
You missed Penny Dreadful's historical reenactment of that time that Dracula, Dorian Gray, Doctor Frankenstein, his three monsters, Mister Hyde, the werewolf, James Bond, and Eva Greene got together. Also an invisible raping thing like the Entity makes a few appearances.
Based on their strategy of not visiting the swing states in the closing weeks, neither did the Clinton campaign. (ba da bing!) (sad trombone)
OK I didn't interpret it that way! I thought it meant that stage when two people in a relationship mutually agree to stop having sex due to lack of interest but maybe they left that really open to our dirty minds to interpret?
I'm only disappointed Yar didn't rise up from the black goo he coughs up from time to time.
Wow, I grew up near Pearland. I remember the 80s(?) one hurricane parked over us and we got 27 inches of rain in 24 hours.
Now, now, he could have just had a mini stroke.