
Even without the commercial breaks, on a DVR, the editor or director consistently does a lousy job with those and with scene transitions. It's like amateur hour.

They showed Kady and Julia having a conversation in this episode where Kady says we are not killing John to gain his power, and they have a similar conversation when they realize that he is Reynard's son in a previous episode.

How is this a spoiler if we assume anyone in the comments watched this episode?

I thought Errinwright took a drink out of Pyotr's glass to emphasize the point in a slightly different way as well.

I was thinking, there's something wrong with me for crying for characters I have only seen on screen for maybe ten minutes.

Off the top of my head, started by University of Texas student Michael Dell in his college dorm room.

There are some things that happen that end this that would be incredibly gimmicky/implausible to repeat - happening once, OK. Not quite at the level of The Honourable Woman is unfollowable by a sequel. On the other hand Homeland did some crazy things to keep that series running.

The tear away dress gag was hilarious.

Just noticed newest episode of The Last Kingdom on the Kodi.

The shift in Kansas was covered by five thirty eight more scientifically, it's 20 something points worse for the GOP than expected, Brownback cost the GOP 5-15 points in the elections prior in November, averaging 9 percent down on the House tickets. The next canary in the coal mine is Georgia.

This already exists if you don't want to wait for Nintendo to pull their head out of their behind

She kind of does that in Masters of Sex.

Technically, she is trying to follow Megyn Kelly.

You may have missed the Reagan win and the W Bush *wins*. The confederate flags came out waving strong for those, too.

They were speaking in person in Florida via translator for Xi. So he only interrupted to launch some missiles during dessert.

The fact that in the last 100 days he could have any of the career State Department diplomats for the Far East the same question and gotten an answer that was not biased towards the Chinese side of the equation is pretty appalling.

I would not give the DNC any credit as they gave zero dollars to the Kansas election and it was much closer than the final tally until the final GOP push.

It's been renewed in spite of WoT's best efforts.

She was the best episode of Drunk History til that Hamilton episode came around.