
It's about the same level dark/funny and weirdly inappropriate. Part of the enjoyment for me is the random actors showing up and doing voicework, Katie Aselton from Legion whom I always mistake for Judy Greer's voice, Jon Lovitz and Mindy Kaling on the latest episode.

I kind of assumed the GOP went so hard after Bill Clinton because of that.

Got the Doctor Strange DVD from Netflix today, good if by the numbers Marvel super hero movie with some interesting special effects. I might be all Marvel-ed out at this point.

It sounds so insane I'm surprised Bahz Luhrman has not remade it already.

Yeah, there are almost no Vietnam war movies that have a happy ending, I did read "We Were Soldiers Once, and Young" and thought that was a pretty good book with a not totally downer ending but did not watch the movie. Also, I recommended this elsewhere in this review, but Forever War is a sci fi book written by a

I liked Serial more. It might be worth a listen, the interviewer is different, and recent events uncovered some old evidence in that trial/podcast subject that were not used at the trial.

Hey, then the guy in Platoon threw the grenade out of the room and closed the door, just like The Expanse!

The holding back of the info that John B was gay seemed a little theatrical for lack of a better word, it was kind of obvious from his lisp in the first episode that he was gay.

Forever War is a pretty good single book sci fi book written by a Vietnam War vet, somewhat directed by his experience in combat…

For a second I thought he was going to cover it with his body ala the ending of Platoon, nooooo!!!!!

I don't see the issue the reviewer has because the one thing this show has done with Bobbie, it's shown us that being in the Martian Marines and being exemplary at doing her job is the most important thing in the world to her.

that full review that this article links to is only about four sentences longer than the teaser.

The constant one upping in the switcheroo reveals last season was pretty good, and outdid the simple joke that they foreshadowed by a lot.

Is this some sort of underhanded jibe? The first thing that popped up for me on Slate for Samantha Bee was her husband arguing against their child's school integration program.

Got The Love Witch DVD from Netflix, could not finish the renaissance fair scene. The production style and colors were pretty neat, but the look of people was more important to the creator than their acting ability. Not sure if the whole thing was an exercise in proving something, but I am too dense to figure it out.

I finally remembered who the host reminded me of in the cover photo for this story, watched the season premier of Outcast and Brian looks like a middle aged version of Patrick Fugit.

but your brother/lover is prominent, though that gold hand has got be pretty rough during the intimate moments.

"Nobody tunes into HBO for this" ahhhhhhshhhhhhhhhh
They didn't realize Big Little Lies was going to be such a hit because I don't think (watched it once) any of the stars from that appear.

Animals airs season 2 episodes on HBO on Friday nights.

Was John Lithgow's reference to missing his headband for basketball scrimmage a reference to his character in The World According to Garp?