
I just watched the original B.D.'s speaking role and Shipka's wooden reading is something she created from watching it over and over…

Davis actually drank as much alcohol and smoked as much as they are depicting in the show and Sarandon doesn't? Also, Sarandon is much bigger than Betty Davis so it seems like with the caveat all else being equal, she would have to drink a much larger volume of alcohol to have the same effect.

I'm pretty sure I've heard that joke about Lawrence of Arabia before, but maybe she was the original teller.

The 100+ corpse count from last season's finale was pretty heavy, too.

My head is spinning from so much plot advancement. So Liv and the gang are keeping secret the work on cure v1 and v2 from Fillmore Graves crew? Because one would think that might be another response to zombie news getting out - widespread work on cure/prevention.

When the main national program of the GOP is implementing Nixon's Southern strategy there's pretty much no bottom to the barrel.

The WSJ editorial page has always had a right wing slant.

Fresh Off the Boat (thankfully don't think they can jump the shark like Blackish with Chris Brown) and Workin Moms air new episodes tonight.

Out of curiosity I checked his page, so one doesn't know how true any of that is, but he namechecked two other famous unmarried gay Hollywood actors when asked why he was not married.

If they had titled the show almost anything else, the last season finale wouldn't seem like such a series finale. Catastrophe has the couple marry in the first season and were already in the third season.

Season 2 of Outcast started airing.

The book is pretty good and it's short. The 1960's movie surprisingly manages to capture the end in the book in a different way, can't really describe it without spoiling it.

I gave up after the first episode of Bergdahl - he was not an sympathetic character at all.

My recollection is his mother is much better off - her mental state decayed after being forced to stay in that dark house with the windows boarded all the time and not eating well, and after time with Rita, she was able to recognize that Tyler was not her son, unlike the first time when Tyler said she was her son in

I can see her point of view, but I wouldn't have gone around it the way she did. If you don't believe in an afterlife, what is the point of the body except to be worm food or ashes if one is going to be incinerated? I am not endorsing going around and messing with corpses (ick) but on the other hand, she sounds old

Brian Reed's hand waving did seem a little weak before the reveal

In the video Lena made to pitch Girls, it had Ray and not Shosh. Shosh was initially going to be a minor character with maybe one episode but the actress made such a good impression they kept her around and added more things for her including the episode in Japan focused on her.
Of course this does not explain the

They tricked us in the latest episode, the gave us the big fight at the end and faked us out with the first fight.

I groaned when Adam and Hannah hooked up again. I have to admit I did not recognize what happened immediately ( was kind of upset they went this way and was busy doing something else at this point ) and had the exact same issue as the writer of this piece

See, you laughed!