A. Nonie Meus

Yeah this culture of conviction by allegation is really troubling, what with all those tens of thousands of men currently sitting in prison based on nothing but a mere allegation of sexual assault!

Victim of whom? Epstein? Where is her testimony that she was raped by Clinton? This is still “he was seen near a victim” and “he was on Epstein’s plane several more times than he initially reported,” not “there is evidence that Bill Clinton raped underaged girls.” For fuck’s sake. This conversation is exactly what I

They are investigating ways they can blame the victim.

I know it gets you down but try to let it go

Joke’s on you the taxpayer- he made $150k in overtime alone last year, his healthcare is fully covered, and he gets to retire with a full salary pension for life.

Ah yes, the flip side of intersectionality.


To be fair, he probably didn’t even see the stop sign because he was answering a text from his side piece.  He may have actually thought the other guy was at fault.

Here’s an alternative view: this policeman has a position with a lot of power (e.g. the ability to arrest) and he used this power illegally to cover up one of his illegal and potentially deadly mistakes. He should be arrested, punished, and blacklisted from working in this industry for life.

A word of advice, no one else likes when you play devil's advocate.

He doesn’t have too. The other guy was brown.

So in addition to the stop sign infraction the cop is on the hook for unlawful arrest and illegal imprisonment.


Conan and Kumail are longtime friends for anyone here that doesn’t know that

As dumb as Trump is, he was prescient about that. 

His girlfriend's ex husband is Gavin Newsom. He's got to have a complex about that. Gavin Newsom is far from perfect, but he's a million times a better person and better looking than Don Jr. 

Obvious but I’ll say it anyway: Junior’s “hunting” and killing large wild animals is another expression of the same thirsty insecurity. He’s much smaller in every way than he tries to appear.

And he probably tries to pay them in Mar a Largo buffet gift certificates. 

I think its especially sad that Little Donnie is obviously trying so hard to impress Dada with all of his big man outdoorsman weight lifting beard growing crap when anyone who knows Trump knows that shit is the last thing in the world that he would ever give a fuck about.