Charles is absolutely not toast. QE2 saw the monarchy very nearly topple when her uncle abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson; she’s not going to cause another constitutional crisis by skipping her firstborn son in the line of succession.
Charles is absolutely not toast. QE2 saw the monarchy very nearly topple when her uncle abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson; she’s not going to cause another constitutional crisis by skipping her firstborn son in the line of succession.
even better for the pokemon universe is that it’s hitting that sweet spot for generational crossover. i was a teenager when they first popped up, and now that it’s 20 years later and everyone my age has kiddos, the movie is a lure to both nostalgic parents and their children. i never got into it and i don’t have kids…
I call Shenanigans on this! Door Dash has operations going pretty much 24/7 across the entire USA & Canada including Hawaii Not to mention they are currently in operational tests in Australia. If they don’t already have a operational 24/7 war room to deal with their fly by night contractors (Dasher dashes right into a…
No. They should have customer service reps available during their peak business hours, which I assume based on their entire business model (food delivery) extend far past 5pm. If there are enough high visibility or urgent topics that require cross-team assistance, they should plan shifts and coverage accordingly.
I worked at an arcade as a teenager, right when Pokemon made its debut. Pokemon cards were a major part of my stock in trade. However, as I was 15 and the kids desperate for the cards were all under 12, I very firmly put it into the category of “kid shit” that I had no interest in.
Instead, they send us Piers Morgan. That’s an act of war.
I’ve been inside that house. I have been inside a handful of the craziest mansions in Pacific Heights (related to my job). These people are all looney toons.
1) look at username- not a Southener and never have been. Am a daughter of Black Central American immigrants.
In general, organized labor, which faces constant outside political attack as a matter of course, is reluctant to air its grievances widely.
To be clear, when people say they want the AFL-CIO to organize, they generally mean they want it to use its (extensive) resources to help member unions organize more workers. That support can be in the form of money, training, personnel, or many other things. The AFL-CIO also has the capability of helping to set up…
Yes, of course, this is the problem and why I said I wish there were a more effective way. I don’t suggest we airlift out all the middle-to-upper class white liberals. I am a white guy and I grew up in a place that I recognized was not the right place for me, so I drew on my resources (so to speak; I’m not talking…
You brought it out of the greys.
A couple of points.
This dude has all the confidence of the average freshman member of a College Republican chapter—which means he feels little need to prep, as he just “knows” the things he needs to know prior to entering a debate forum, and will be able to crush his opponent ‘neath the weight of his logic and incontrovertible facts.
“drug users aren’t only victims of addiction; they’re people who have made the unwise choice to develop a drug habit and the continued choice to not rectify it”
Lol, seeing Mr. “DEBATE ME YOU COWARD” turn tail and run in the face of moderate pushback from a calm interviewer is priceless.
Just like when Democrats fail working class people and are challenged, Union leadership that fails must be challenged.
Yeah, don’t hold your breath on those consequences. Something tells me he’ll be employed by someone close to his father for a good portion of his life. Or, you know, just another GOP outfit in a few months.
Right though the old rules are still in place for Elizabeth’s children, which is why Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and their offspring are all ahead of Princess Anne in the order of succession despite Anne being Elizabeth’s second born child. I think the change must have been pretty recent, because even Edward’s son…
They’ve gotten rid of male-preference primogeniture, though. I don’t know when, but Charlotte is 4th in line for the throne, ahead of Louis.