Do you think she’d take it if she knew it came from him?
Do you think she’d take it if she knew it came from him?
As somebody who actually was gaybashed years ago, I hope Jussie falls off the planet. ‘kay, thanks.
I hope some giant publishing company pays her a lot of money to write her memoirs. Her story has to be one of the most interesting there is.
The vast majority of new car buyers buy off the lot. Very few people special order.
What’s the percentage of people who buy new cars off the lot vs. having them special-ordered from the factory? Every new car I’ve ever bought has been a custom special-order (one Porsche Cayman, one Ford Mustang, one BMW 3-series).
I don’t have that list for 2018, but a well selling car will sit on average for 30-40 days.
What’s the industry average? These numbers are kinda meaningless without some more context. Be nice to know the numbers for the fastest selling cars too.
I think it was to highlight the fact that this was brought to a vote in the senate only so it would fail as a form of political theater. The best they could do was refuse to engage in this disingenuous act.
They hate being made to feel as if they’re also complicit in the poor state of this nation, because they are.
At least now you know that the composition in the senate is actually 57-43
This is a large part of what the Satanic Temple is doing. They’ve filed some fantastic lawsuits and they’re definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already.
Ridiculous. No Victorian woman would do her grocery shopping in her nightgown.
I’m far from a CPD fan, but I believe they did exemplary detective work in this case. They knew they were under enormous scrutiny, so were very careful to pull together a well-documented case. The SA Kim Foxx is one who screwed the pooch. Based on her behavior during the Oscars (hanging out in LA at some glittery…
I am so old that I remember when Christians argued that we had free will. Well, I am using my free will to determine my family size.
If that's the case, then why were parents paying other people to either take the SAT or change the answers afterward? Why were they hiring other people to write the entrance essays? Why were the parents paying someone else to fill out the college applications that their own kid didn't even complete?
“Let GOD plan parenthood!”
Counterpoint: I’ve read the entirety of the 203 page court filing (I love legal proceedings) and there are numerous parents that paid to get their very underachieving and idiotic children that would never have qualified for community college into these schools.
I bet at least some of them were unqualified. Miss “game days and parties” doesn’t exactly seem to be the best or brightest and some of the kids were confused as to how to fill out a college application. If you can’t figure that out, maybe you’re technically unqualified and the numbers will probably bear that out…
Yeah I feel like this isn’t talked about enough. So it’s not okay to abort a pregnancy because it’s what god wants, but if god makes you unable to have a baby you can totally ignore that and do whatever it takes to rectify the situation?
“Let god plan parenthood”? I’m trying to get pregnant through ivf and follow various ivf hashtags on instagram. SO MANY of the americans thank god when their ivf is successful. Some try to be cute and say it was a little bit of science and a lot of prayer that got them pregnant. Seriously?!? Ivf is the most unnatural…