Thats why the original Matrix failed. People need to be convinced it was real by the flaws. You should know that Dozer.
“You don’t want to know how much it cost to ship it to Maryland,” the owner wrote.
A lifetime of counselling?
Are you fucking serious?
Unrealistic, that Stormtrooper shot at people and hit them.
Liked paying for buggy, half-finished games on PC? Now you can do it on console too! Master Race no more!
When I was a kid I wanted this tyranosaurus with all my might, I wanted it so bad, but it was so expensive and my family didn’t have much money; I’m 29 now, and like, 4 years ago I found an old one at a flea market and didn’t hesitate to get it, it was mildly damaged and some of the painting in the details had come…
It begins...
“He’s dead, Doctor?”
As much as I truly loved Robin Williams, he was suffering. Unless he comes back free of his problems, I feel he’s in a better place. Parkinsons and dementia isn’t something I’d wish on anyone.
I’m somewhere between sad for his passing, and impressed that it took 4 days for the news to break.