
Oh sure, you say that now. Easy to say that, when there's no way for any of us to see or sample your handiwork. I suggest you invite me over for cake, so I can report back here.

This is a decent primer on the basic types of stocks and principles behind investing, but it is irresponsible to give this kind of advice to the original poster. A responsible advisor should instead ask first if the original poster is maxing out retirement account contributions, built up a savings account, and paid

That's the price you pay for your carefree lifestyle.

I burn $100 bills in my biolite campstove to recharge my iPhone.

I'll throw the obvious in, Mouse without Borders and/or Synergy. I have 3 computers at my desk, so sharing inputs is a must. MWB is great because you can drag files across computers.

gah ... the time! i've used fancy ones, and I'm simply not convinced it's worth the extra time compared to my Mach 3. I suppose it feels a little better, but for the extra time, cost, and space-usage, it's not a net win for me.

not sure why upscale shaving is such a thing these days. feels like an ad agency is

That's it. That's all. Simplify.

"One sided"? How are they one sided?

Keep in mind that vacation time is definitely on the negotiation table when job hunting.

I used to have this problem until I learned how to open a book properly. I do this to all books I read and they open and stay flat. It is also nice if you like to keep books on a table or in a stand while you read them.

I am eagerly awaiting the equally useful companion hive five survey "Best way to hold a paperback book while reading".

How your supervisor and institution evaluate productivity is critical as well.

LifeHacker is scraping the bottom of the barrel, huh? I don't have time to be a heavy reader, but, reading only about a book a week makes this seem like an absurd lifehack. I don't know, maybe if I read more this would be more important, but this seems silly.

Excellent article.

I'm not impressed by people who claim how busy they are. I also wish people would stop thinking that more time/effort put into something automatically deserves more praise or recognition. It's not about the time or sweat put into something; it's all about working smart and doing the right thing.

oh for fucks sake...

You can email me directly anytime, too (I head up all of our guest posts and republished content) -

calories in/calories out thing is such BS. Your body is in control of what it retains and what it excretes

I'd say that's a pretty good list but the very first step should be ensuring that no one in your household has been injured or hurt, then call the cops.

It's absolutely hilarious how hostile some of you are toward this article. Taking time to figure out what you want out of life and developing a plan to get it is a much better strategy than wasting what little time you've got.