
Broad shoulders, and a relatively narrow torso keep dress shirts from fitting me very well. When I try on "fitted" shirts, they usually fit well in the middle, but the shoulders end up being too narrow. Very frustrating.

That's cool. So...does he pay you to take the break then? Or he's just encouraging you to take another hour to be made up later?

Living in the DC government-shed...this is basically the public vs. private sector split.

I think one of the greater points of this post is the fact that you are in control of your own life.

I've been wondering...

Or even better. What about "no," or "no, working from home is not an option."

I'm not an expert...but I think that's probably just a dip in blood sugar.

So, out of curiosity, how did you lose the weight and get out of debt? We're you successful?

I like this advice. It's too easy to strike out on a diet. Making small, but easy changes could be quite effective.

I'm pretty sure that these "tricks" are far beyond the skill of what you'll typically see at Walmart or Target. Especially if sales staff doesn't work on commission, they don't have much incentive to push you towards one model or another.

I struggle with this so badly...but I think the solution for me is just a healthy dose of J.F.D.I. I wish there was an easier way.


I have a rule for myself: I never read more than one book at a time, and I always finish every book I start.

Just uninstall facebook messenger.

To me, automation is more important to success than access. I think what makes the 401k easier is that the money automatically moves to that account. It saves itself!

...I think you understand already but just in case. You are aware that paying more than the minimum will save you money, right?

This is neat. But I'm not sure I'll use it. I kind of enjoy the adrenaline rush of knowing that I'm playing with fire.

just go to, and start going. Try java or python. At first you'll be just fooling around, but then in 15 minutes you'll be intrigued and after an hour you'll wonder where the time went!

It all depends on what you want to do with it. As an engineer by trade, my first brushes with programming were in Matlab and Visual basic (just...yuck).

I don't really budget so hard. I know what my expenses are. So I automate my savings. A portion of my paycheck automatically goes towards retirement and savings. The rest should cover my expenses. Anything left over goes into savings.