
I would still be playing Tri if it wasn't on the Wii.

Is it funny that I have a mild form of Autism (Asperger's) and I feel the exact opposite? I feel much more comfortable playing a game with a controller in my hand( and even more comfortable with a KB&M) than I do with Kinect.

I almost finished SoC today, and my copy of Tarkovsky's Stalker is due to arrive soon.

@Dodge2002: This type of cooling has existed for a little while, google "Sapphire Vapour-X".

@Dr.Rabbit: You are given the option to let certain person live.

@anders.jiang: Well, only if you don't count killing Horrigan (is that his name? Been a long time since I played) with his own sentries as a kill.

But building it yourself is half the awesomeness.

I still don't think there's anything wrong with Gamestop, at least not the 2 Irish ones I've been in.

Fuck you Bethesda, give the PC gamers the DLC first, if it weren't for us, the Fallout series wouldn't even exist.

@stan_i_am: No, I'm talking about Intel's processors.

Looks much more exciting than SandyBridge, or whatever the new line-up is called.

@Aklost: Health is disabled until he can fix respawning.

@kdawghomie: No, I mean it has an unlocked Multi.

Who the hell would want a 980X in a laptop? That thing is designed for OC'ing, something that is incredibly difficult with a laptop.

@enlight10ment: From what I heard they are only allowing overclocking on ones with a k suffix.

I prefer MSI Afterburner.

I love RDJ!