
@octaslash: Jack Black has done what, half of one?

@Sparx: Next to Will Ferrell, Jack Black is the most awesome person on the planet

@Griefy: What, you don't like Oblivion or Fallout 3?

@buttersstotch: Sweet, I can legally drink! Too bad I only like cider :(

@wohdin: 21 and up for beer in Ireland dummkopf.

I didn't read the article, jut answering the title with my opinion.

I can't find Mothership Zeta on the Ireland Store, Point Lookout and all the others are there however.

@Lincolnsbeard33: So? Watch the movie a few times until you understand it, then laugh at the fact that you know the movie better than the "creator"

@TuxBobble: Donnie Darko is a Freakin' awesome movie. Some of the fun of it is re watching to fully understand the entire movie.

I love how 4 and 5 are on the original Xbox.

I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Fuck yeah!

While sort by Expiration date is new, expiration date is not.

@pezzer123: Achievements are NOT pointless, they add re-playability, which is often much needed in today's games.

@Pyrefly: Delete stuff then.

@wanyo: Buying a €300 Console for a €15 game? That's just stupid.

@Cheesus(Crust): You may be able to download it form MediaGO or the PS3's PSN and then use it, maybe, but I doubt it.

@Geist002: Most of the Monster Hunter Cosplay is actually very good.