
@excel_excel: He eats money, breathes money, hell, even shits money! He should work with Nintendo!


Please let us be able to go into the Black Marsh, I love Argonians and would love to see the marsh!

@Dee4leeds: Sony filing an emotion-detection patent means Sony fanboys speak "hot air"? How do those correlate?

@Cervidanti: You could, you know, try clicking on them.

@belo: Scott has updated quite frequently lately, no idea why/how.

@Archaotic: I agree with you, i think he should just release games on PC and stop teasing the unfortunate console-port owners.

@5h17h34d: Hey! I also use Chromifox!

@NigelKnulf: 1- and doesn't log any activity passed through its servers.

@jayislost: You're supposed to place it before the "or would have"

Dear Capcom,

@Archaotic: Better graphics, better AI, better online (most often) etc. Sorry to sound like a jerk but how can't you see the benefits?

@Phoshi: I'd call myself a power-user and I like it!

@VenomIreland: On a side note, practically EVERY monster has been ripped off in this video.

Same animations, Monster designs, Weapon designs, Fuck you China! But quickly Capcom! Port MHFO to the EU and US before it's too late!