
@Incarnina: RE4 and Half-life are my fave soundtracks too!

@kilikafinal: Oh jeez, alot of people are gonna be putting up LBP 1's now. My one is gonna be crap in comparison

@VenomIreland: Dammit I've decided I'll try to make a sackboy pumpkin but I'm only gonna send it in if I think it's good

I'd make an LBP or Dead Space one but sadly i lack the ability to carve, design and most other things involved in this. Might make a Jack'o'Lantern car in LBP though to go along with my Halloween level

What about europe?

IF this means that down the pipeline PS3 owners will also get (free) updates to valves games *coughcoughorangeboxcough* as well then I'm happy

Sounds nice. I was beginning to think there was no more news about this game

@LittleBigPlaneteer: You and me both know he'll start regretting it on October 24th

@captainapplesauce: *sigh* my hopes were broken when I thought it said medal of honor too

If EA ports the updates i will forgive them for all the wrong they have done. Please EA, port it now!!(and for free)

Oh God I'm getting so excited about this. October 24th is my new christmas

@Candlejack: Fourth. Don't forget about Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

Definitely gonna see this becaus it sounds like a good concept and I loved Jumanji. Can't wai to see how this turns out. Maybe the sequels will be expansion packs.

@Spiral: I doubt it as in the link someone says and as most of you may know the game has already gone gold and Media Molecule are hard at work with the update.

Not that dissapointed as I want some time to play all the story levels. I hope it comes out soon though and isn't a big download as I have a crappy download limit.

@VenomIreland: Not supporting Runescape because they suck monkey ****

Jeez Second Life sucks even Runescape has better graphics and more people onlone than this