
You’re not, though. The placenta is a barrier that prevents many pathogens from transferring from mother to fetus, and lots of beneficial bacteria live on skin or in mucus membranes, not in internal organs.

Why? The birth canal has beneficial bacteria that helps build a baby’s immune system and microbiome. It is known that babies born vaginally have a larger microbiome than babies born via c-section. We know that good bacteria and varied microbiome are associated with positive health outcomes, including strong immune

This is not a “new trend”; this was part of a study. Do you need it? No, because it’s not SOP and babies are surviving, but it’s A STUDY to see if it’s possible to mimic the beneficial exposure to the flora of a mother’s birth canal in babies delivered via C-section.

Did you know that jet fuel can’t melt steel beams either? LOOK INTO IT.

Peer-reviewed studies indicate that some of the herbs mentioned on the Embrace Pangaea site do have beneficial medical properties

Don’t blame Microsoft. It’s not their fault the tablets are full of spyware.

I don’t really comprehend that level of snobbery, tbh. But if it works for you, then that’s cool. I, too, am a fan of movies, but I tend to watch a variety of films, regardless of what critics have to say. But I like to make up my own mind b/c critics are not infallible in my mind. It works for me, at least. Eh.



Correct. Well. Correct if you eat a decently varied diet. Why do people think cows’ and horses’ don't disintegrate? They don't drink milk after baby hood.

Just screening for Canadians. Everything seems to check out here.

And, she suffered burns on her hands and feet BECAUSE SHE DID IT ALL BAREFOOT. She literally walked barefoot through fire and lifted a truck.

I love my dad more than I love anyone else in the world but if he gets trapped under a truck, he is basically screwed. I salute this woman not just for her quick-thinking and bravery but also for her terrifying Geoff Capesian brawn. What a hero.

I can’t believe George Lucas drives a motherfucking Jeep.

They raped someone so hard they lacerated internal organs, and he literally now requires assistance to use the bathroom. That shows a shocking lack of boundaries. Sex offender status is most definitely appropriate for that type of behavior.

As the older sis of a younger sister who didn’t really go in at all for insects and arachnids, this thing was my ace in the hole for pranking. I still remember that weird burned plastic smell it made like it was yesterday.

Just a feel good story of rape and human trafficking. It’s an odd reaction for this site.


Thank you for saying this!