
She looks like she got her arm caught in a dot matrix printer.

I don't know, but I hate these people.

Buzzfeed surreptitiously deleted a post criticizing their sponsors in much the same way a Jez writer surreptitiously deleted many of his posts criticizing minorities, "foreigners" and women.

I wish I had more stars to give you.

Female Transgendered lesbian air marshalls on the rag.

No, that’s a myth. And married sex is actually a mitzvah (a holy good deed) in Jewish tradition. You’re also supposed to give your wife an orgasm, where possible. They’re just being dickheads about where they sit.

“Failing that, maybe verbally abusive people throwing adult tantrums in the aisles should be removed from the plane?”

Frankly, I think it’s just stunningly childish and irresponsible that these people would get on airplanes without up to date Cooties vaccinations in the first place.

Crossing off parsley on a budget: yes

Don’t need Limes? How do you make your Mojitos?

She didn’t shop very sensibly with her $29.

Dude, Gwyn, you’re on a budget, you don’t need so many god damn limes

they never know which button to push, but they’re always cute and apologetic about it.

Is this the turtle you saw?

Manatees are totally chill and will gladly take your picture if you ask.

Ohhhhh it’s a selfie stick... I was wondering if maybe the manatee had the camera

Aaaaand recent studies (I've had insufficient caffeine to look up the links, sorry) demonstrate that yes, we are indeed breeding antibiotic-resistant strains of acne bacteria. I mean, everybody make your own decisions, but I would not do antibiotics for zits unless the situation were so, soooo dire.

I called his office and demanded an antibiotic. I realize I'm not a doctor, but it had worked the last time my skin rebelled, which was also stress induced ... He abided begrudgingly (or what I imagine to be begrudgingly?)