
Jay Z had better not Monica Lewinski all over this dope-ass dress Yoncé wore while on the prowl in New York. [Daily Mail]

No. One. No one damn it!!!!! Unless she's getting back with Robbins, because I'm still holding out hope for that to happen.

I believe Stine was definitely mocking Bitcoin. Also loved Ms. Sidibe's tweet. She mirrors my confusion. Dax Shepard makes me smile. He seems real.

I believe Kumail is referring to Trever Noah's (misogynistic and anti-semetic) tweets ... which curiously haven't been covered on Jezebel.

Don't you think RL Stine was more making fun of people who use Bitcoin? Maybe I'm being too generous...

The RL Stine quote had me literally laughing out loud. That is fucking hilarious. It also sort of but not really reminds me of my dad and his MREs. He retired from the military almost three years ago, but still has a ton of them left because they last FOREVER. So he keeps them in the back of his car, and when he sees

ABC Family shows are my bread & butter. If this is anything like those, I will definitely be binging on a Sunday night with wine and sweatpants.

I am not at all interested in the premise of this show but I miss Bunheads terribly. Sutton was so great in that so will watch at least the first few episodes. Still, so few shows recover from disappointing pilots (See: Bunheads). Perhaps this will be one of the few exceptions.

RIP Bunheads

I'm going to tell people that I'm hate-watching this, or watching it for Debbi Mazar but deep down I'm watching it for Hilary Duff and I'm so ashamed to admit this.

Weeping for Sutton Foster. From Bunheads to this.

My strap snap was also caused a hug mishap! WARNING TO FUTURE BRIDES: Hug no one.

Oh look, your father just shit a brick here in this video because he was only making $6.15 an hour when we found out we were pregnant and I’d just been laid off. Plus, we were living right above a dildo factory.

I know of someone who was named after the abortion clinic her mother decided not to use.

Because if I have to acknowledge the likelihood that my parents had sex, it’s at least better to assume it was dutiful and joyless and only happened the once.

Dunno, guys. This is a pretty creepy admission. I don’t care why he did it, he did and that’s enough for me.

I hope that woman had no idea she was being stalked. Because, holy shit that’s scary.

I am being overly serious or is this not cool at all? Not the Jez post, JD’s actions.

I don’t know about this study in particular, but a lot of the reporting on synthetic estrogens in the water omits the fact that birth control is only responsible for a tiny fraction of the problem- far more is coming from livestock and agriculture.

Any opinions from Science Jezzies on this study? It looks to me that this study was done in a lab environment, so while we know that fish are affected by these chemicals, we don't know how this works out in nature, right?