
Hey, I don't know if anyone let you know yet, but it's actually from Swan Lake.

Seemingly drunk old white woman chants the N word multiple times, possibly along to All Gold Everything. People are gross.

At least according to older research it doesn't help with infertility and it doesn't make much sense that it will help with older women. But it's unclear if this place has some new miraculous technique heretofore unheard of.

Kate's not wrong — Science IS cool! — this just isn't new science, only a new company jumping on the band wagon. And with few of the interesting ethical quandaries associated with the donor mitochondria.

It's not mentioned in this article but this method of extending infertility was largely addressed to older women whose older eggs would benefit from an extra energy boost. There is a distinct difference between that and a 33 year old struggling to conceive for other reasons.

What about my comment read as judgmental to women who choose to seek fertility treatment?

It's not. Previous studies have experimented with putting mitochondria from younger women into the eggs of another woman — initially this was to treat infertility (unproven effects) and now it is approved in England to stop mitochondrial disease from being passed to the children. This is not a big deal sci-fi

This is tied to the technology behind the recent "three parent" child law that was just approved in England — the theory and procedure have been around for almost 20 years. The NY Times had an excellent write up about it last year.

Yup. I appreciate that you're not pulling punches, everyone should know what's being swept under the rug here.

Theoretically, you would freeze your eggs when you are young and fertile and then have them implanted later on when you are ready to have a child (this will happen more often as wealthy women decide to preventively freeze eggs just in case). So you're giving birth to 25 year old eggs from a 40 year old body, which

No worries. Internet tone is hard and it's clear that we're both passionate about the same thing, on the same side. Keep fighting the good fight.

I don't use acronyms often but...literal LOL

Good luck!

I do that for a living. I'm not talking to the general populous, I was responding to a commenter on who I assumed had a grasp of the fact that plan b is not an abortifacient (since she directly mentioned that it is not) and detailing why religious folk claim, incorrectly, that it is.

I find the whole thing fascinating. How someone duped millions of people into just believing some new idea they completely pulled out of their asses.

haha I'm sorry! I got wrapped up in the fact that people in the thread seemed to think I was backing the argument and was more brusque to you than I intended. That was me being a dick, you have no reason to apologize.

That is a completely new idea. In the Jewish faith (so Old Testament style) abortions are not only sanctioned but are actually mandatory for the health of the mother, pretty much including even if she doesn't really want the kid. It's within the last century that this conception thing came about and it is not rooted

An argument is any stance you take and debate with another human being. It doesn't have to be valid.

Literally no one is disagreeing with you. 60% or 80% or 10% it's all too much.

Oh agreed. The only reason I know that about Amnesty International v Fusion was because I wanted to know where the hell that cited number came from. I was just pointing out that it's not that it wasn't cited it's that the source is...questionable.