In our defense, that was a REALLY shitty time, you can imagine why we would want it completely swept under the rug.
In our defense, that was a REALLY shitty time, you can imagine why we would want it completely swept under the rug.
Also the forced sterilization of the Deaf and promiscuous women. Hitler was quoted as saying something along the lines of (this is heavily paraphrased): "America is worse than me. You can have some Jewish ancestors and be German but there even one drop of Black blood and you're a second class citizen."
maybe that's what you would say but I have definitely heard them referred to as the German camps and Germans (obviously the ones in Germany, there were camps elsewhere).
Yeah, I can see it from that line but I more thought she was ramming home why people would be uncomfortable with it rather than saying they bore some culpability (a view she may very well hold, I just didn't find in this article).
I'm gonna tell my grandma you said that and we'll see what she has to say about your skepticism.
it's not pedantic, its an annoying but important distinction. Thanks for clarifying.
thank you so much for the additional info. That article suggested though that they can't do home births (they need to practice in conjunction with an MD, a group unlikely to do house calls). Is that true or am I misreading?
I don't really have the time to dig into Alabama state law on the matter, I linked the articles I culled my information from. It seems you know much more about it than I do, so could you provide links?
Actually (ACTUALLY), it took 2,500 to get to the middle of a tootsie pop and 1000 for a regular lollipop. I know this because I read like 15 articles on it today —- I've been wanting to run this experiment since I was 5 but have never had the self control to not just bite it in half.
Pizza was invented in NYC, not Italy.
Right? They're acting like CNMs are Joe Schmos ordering certification from the Hospital of Happiness and Light off the internet. These are nurses trained in midwifery.
My ancestors were perfect, which I think explains why I'm so great.
I was just reading a little more on this because I wanted it to be wrong. It's actually criminalized in Alabama to work as a home birth midwife which is just...absurd.
Thanks. Yeah, I said "beyond the obvious googling" (which I did) because I was hoping someone who knew about it could recommend a reliable book or site so that I wasn't risking learning about it through a half assed, biased, or unresearched write up or summary. My googling led me to The Law of the Noose though,…
Ha! Thanks, but it just seems that way because I am applying the patience borne of years of working with petulant teenagers and temper tantrum throwing toddlers. In all other instances, I'm kind of a cynical dick.
I still remember when someone brought them up to me and I was all "psh, that wasn't a thing. That's what they did in Germany, you silly goose."
For what it's worth, I'm a white, excessively educated NYer and have no idea what you're talking about. Suggested reading material (beyond the obvious googling)?
It's not actually clear that he was cat calling her, the real story is unknown. Carolyn Bryant said at trial that he asked her for a date but I think we can all agree that her report is suspect. Some said that he wolf whistled at her, another lynchable crime in the 1950s (1800s, 1910s, 1920s,1930s,1940s,1960s)…
Maybe Jezebel is starting a new weekly column: Who Wrote it Best?