Also naming your twitter “@real” as if you are famous.
Also naming your twitter “@real” as if you are famous.
Thanks. It’s making their lives sad. “Please reconsider. A child needs their grandparents”. Blah blah blah. I should have done it 10 years ago when the baptised her behind our backs. But I let it slide. Or the first time they dropped the N word in her presence. Those were always extended time outs without me telling…
“I was like a god there, I owned that stadium.”
When the thought, “waiting for the right time to break it to the internet” crosses your mind, it’s a powerful sign that you have made poor life choices.
*gasp* Not Michael Pena! I adore Michael Pena!
Were it not for the internet I probably wouldn’t have known. But that is generally because I try not to watch shows to figure it out. I just kind of zone out.
Ok so I didn’t.
Welp, I’ll do my part. Never thought I’d be subscribing to PewDiePie, but it’s for a good cause.
Hate to break it to you, but flushable wipes, aren’t really flushable.
Where’s the mod that just leaves the new roll on the counter, maybe puts a water-withered one in the sink or tub. I have kids and cats. No roll is safe.
The patent on toilet paper, or the toilet paper roll holder? A cursory search on the toilet paper patent appears to have it facing outward.
Yeah yeah, you know how to use the three seashells, rub it in.
Probably modeled by someone who has never used TP before.
What sort of savages work at Bethesda?
I just called GameStop and they have one for me. MUHAHAHAHA.
Yeesh, I was just being tongue-in-cheek, what with our capture it on cell phone, stream it culture. I don’t think your response was necessary.
But if possible Cstrife16, go get some awesome cellphone video. Shocked commentary welcome, vertical video no so much.