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I am so excited! I raise a glass as tribute to this inspired casting. Might as well put on a little Bach to help the mood.

I think it’s more of an associational thing with Aleister Crowley, noted occultist and weirdo from the early 1900's. Granted he’s not well known today, but his name alone is weird enough sounding that even authors who know little about him tend to associate his name with evil or weirdness.

Still not sure how the liberals figure into this narrative at all (besides the fact that James Woods is a douche).

I’m confused. Was there ever any doubt at all? This is a guy who is 70 and his last two girlfriends have been 19 and 20. Was anyone on earth scratching their head and wondering whether or not the guy who only dates women until they’re old enough to drink, the guy who dated women who could be his daughters only

Denis Villeneuve is a solid director. Hopefully this stands up to his other work.

The intern has been given Photoshop with orders to use Blue and Orange only again.

this kinda spam is actually oddly appropriate here. emphasis on odd.

If aiming for a PoC’s head is his response to disrespect, he’ll make a great cop when his playing days are over.

they don’t want to mess with their development league

I’d actually go with the flip side: have Kobik create a good doppelganger of the Punisher, someone who uses his immense skills and prowess but with restraint and a respect for due process.

One day, a batter’s going to take offense to this and beat the fuck out of a pitcher with a bat.

I took an act that put me in no physical danger and felt to get even I should throw a projectile at a human head with the speed and force that can kill. Of course, this is okay because it happened in a SPORTZ match!

That is because those moments of darkness, and they were moments, had something meaningful to contrast against. They had a vast positive backdrop upon which to cast a shadow. The newer stuff, besides various other issues, tried to balance their jaded grim-dark tone with pure comedy and it just isn’t the same. It’s

+1 This ! I want this ! Like...right now ! Instead of rehashing “Deadpool Kills whatever the writers want him to kill”, I’d love to see this !

Oh Steve, everyone in comics gets magically turned evil. They get better. People get over it. Go wangst a while with Spider-man.

I went in to that first episode expecting a Galaxy Quest rip-off and instead found something more akin to a quirky Voyager episode... disappointing... but... it also left me weirdly hopeful.

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Optimism. It’s supposed to be, above all else, optimistic. Even DS9 used the largely unwavering optimism of Starfleet as a touchstone.

Girl who shit in your coffee? Somebody made a plausible comment, YOUR happy ass decided to be pedantic about something that could have actually applied to Black American or Black British children (seeing as how racism works very similarly in both countries) and now you typing full response essays to everyone who