
Babs rolls into a subway. Thugs follow. Babs rolls out leaving a pile of thugs. She was so bad ass as Oracle.

I didn’t say RTD was perfect. RTD was better with arcs but was overly indulgent at times. Moff is a good episodic writer but uses timey wimey to get him out of messes like River assassinating the Doctor being a fixed point.

Plus he’s already been a doctor! Win-win! Actually, I would have loved Laurie but I think his temperament is too close to Capaldi’s.

“To whom it may concern,

I have to say no to this. He did what had to be done and secured his place as The Doctor.

A sneak peek at his final scene:

Yes. Breitbart.

Now playing

Why would you send a marine biologist on a trip to the end of Universe?

Don’t! You’re not going to like what’s out there.

“A decade into their mission to reach the end of the universe...”

That is a cool Batmobile! In fact, it’s mine — cut straight out of this photo from 2010. Without permission. :-/

He cleans Forbush Man’s helmet.

He’s an ally of the Killer Lampshade.

Defeated Superman in BvS.

Well, he’s terribly unbalanced.

To be fair, “machine gods are eating my friends” is a very good reason to get out of Dodge.

Arthur C Clarke was homosexual and is buried with his male partner. Not sure how that equates to “homophobe” - at most, he was semi-closeted but it was not really a secret.

i found tarkin to be entirely and amazingly acceptable to the point of wtfing over and over in his scenes, but leia to be somewhat dollish. neither took anything away from my enjoyment of this spectacular film.