Wow, racist and anti-semitic all in one comment section. Dude, buy less bleach, you don’t need to wear the klan outfit every day.
Wow, racist and anti-semitic all in one comment section. Dude, buy less bleach, you don’t need to wear the klan outfit every day.
73,500 homeless people live in New York City. That is enough people to fill Yankee Stadium. And that’s only part of the greater New York/New Jersey area which also relies on HUD funding for infrastructure, social services, and disaster recovery.
The state legislature is split between a Democratic controlled body and one that has an equal number of Democrats plus an independent working with them, but with enough of those Ds working with the Rs to fuck everyone over. These assholes:
We’re trying to avoid the Subway becoming like the DC Metro. You are a lesson to us all about what to avoid. The complaining is an attempt to prevent this.
Which is worse, FIFA or the IOC?
But you don’t have to pay money to park on 93. They charge you money to sit in traffic on the pike.
I don’t know how much the terrible vandals would be successful in defacing these monuments, but I will note that thermite hits over 4000 degrees F while granite has a melting point of 3100 degrees F. The heat would probably not be on the stone long enough to actually melt any parts of it, but one would be afraid…
I must have seen a different version of The Great Comet than you did. It soundly deserved the two Tony’s it received and justly did not get any more. I haven’t seen Evan Hansen, so I can’t speak to it, although based on how creepy the main character sounds, I think I’ll be skipping it.
Missing beautiful boys playing girls. Has instead women in the troupe. I guess you have to deal with fragile straight male sexuality, but come on, one of the defining aspects of the time was the all male casts. Shakespeare can still be made straight, it’s ok, just make the woman he’s sleeping with not part of the…
Hey, it still had that when it was St. Peterburg for a while. The name change may have gotten rid of the corpse of the Antonov, but the luggage retrieval was the same.
I ran into Bill Hicks right around the build up to the second Gulf War. And you know what? He was even more relevant that time than before.
Am I allowed to blame the Japanese for this toy surprise bullshit? I don’t have a kid, but when trying to get a souvenir from the Tokyo National Museum gift shop, I had to buy four of the stupid little overpriced balls to get the only Dogu figure they had there. I kept getting little figures from the Yayoi period,…
I’ll be sure to tell my fiancee that. Although, not to be a snob, I do think she appreciates my grasp of English grammar.
And there is nothing about the one couple who are both actual decent human beings in the trailer. Maybe they can’t afford Martin Freeman and don’t want to bring back Joanna Page without him? They were cute and sweet and didn’t make me want to hurl things at the screen.
I saw him in person in a coffee shop. His hair really is that magnificent. And he is tall. He wanted a cup of coffee and wasn’t interacting with anyone, so I didn’t bother him.
I hate to tell you this, but you’re no longer allowed to talk to women. Sorry dude, I know it can be rough. Just tough it out, you’ll be ok. From one dude to another, I’m a pretty good shoulder to cry on if you need to, you’ll just have to find a bar without any women and with enough booze.
That’s a perfectly clear day now. (Gaiman actually used this in Neverwhere.)
1.) We’re trying, it’s just that the people in power benefit from an anti-democratic system. (Look up the Interstate Vote Compact if you’re interested.)
Never seen any of this in the locker room of the gym I go to in New York. Either I’m really fucking unobservant or my gym is really deficient.
New tourist attraction! Set it up to be on fire on regular intervals, like an Old Faithful of “christ we’re fucking up the earth.”