Anodraeus Shandis

I choose to only play with my feet, with my eyelids taped shut.

Dear Sega: Just subtitle it and put it on the PSN. We don't even need you to press discs. Just make the game available, somehow, for fans to buy it and enjoy it.

Interesting. If Microsoft is smart (and their handling of the Xbox One launch begs to differ) then they will leave their golden goose, Minecraft, well enough alone and continue to let people mod it as they see fit, at least on PC.


Hey, it's not pirated, it's the The Sims 4: Minecraft Edition.

Now here's someone using their head.

like gta san andreas hot coffee?

What if your having sex WHILE playing video games?

A half hour session? What the? Does that include the actual act plus the typical 29 minutes of making up excuses for poor performance afterwards?

I was joking, guy. But seriously, I'd say an average "session" is about half an hour. But a session is a poorly defined concept.

The video game figure is per hour. Sex is per "session." I'm sure if you had sex for a whole hour it'd be a lot higher.

All I learned from this article is that having sex barely burns more calories than playing video games.

True but Jedi's couldn't seem to understand that politicians were evil.

Apparently, Jedis do.

An arcade game?

basicly to block without takeing damage you have to be frame perfect movement in less than a second... then do it for every single kick. He basicly had do the correct movement in the time it takes for a bullet to travel perfectly, about 15 times in a row. thats pretty much near impossible, near TAS levels of

It's not just the parry. It's the way he maintains the space between himself and Chun Li. He's baiting Wong. He wants him to come at him with that super. He knows he can parry it, and he knows it's probably his best chance to win. This isn't something that he pulled off in the heat of the moment. This was Daigo

Sometimes, you just gotta put the controller down and deal with real life, regardless of whether or not the game actually lets you pause. I get it. But if you idle in Destiny, well, there's no telling what players might do to you in response.