
How the heck is "I will not look at pornography" not on this list?!?

" The White House has set a precedent by allowing petitions to be made directly to the executive branch (with a guaranteed response if a certain threshold is met) but laws are made and repealed by Congress."

Have you looked at Google's Terms of Agreement recently? They have a lot less legalese than most, and are actually pretty easy to understand. If everyone did theirs like that, nobody would be complaining about EULAs.

It's not "loading the baby up on nothing but strawberries." You're introducing strawberries (and no other NEW foods) to a child who is still getting most of their nutrition from breast milk or formula.

I thought this was standard procedure for introducing solids—I've been hearing this for ages. Not "four days" specifically, but the idea of waiting a few days between new foods in order to isolate allergies.

Exactly. Or the situation where the guy is bemoaning his love life "why don't girls like me?" and is completely oblivious to the fact that the girl he's complaining to has been crushing on him forever.

That's not a "trick," it's the definition!

That's not a "trick," it's the definition!

Absolutely. Then you won't have to brave post-Christmas mall madness to exchange their shoes for five sizes bigger...

Oops, double post

Absolutely. Then you won't have to brave post-Christmas mall madness to exchange their shoes for five sizes bigger...

*Editing to remove double post* and both have card comparison features.

I'll give you a reason: the recent Target hacking. That was in-store, not online, and some people got their bank accounts cleared out as a result of using their debit cards. The protection of credit cards is useful in more than just "distance buying."

As someone reading this on my iphone during a 5am feeding, I can definitely support #3.

  • Go to the gym at least twice a week (but preferably three times)

The only reason not to use credit cards is if you don't have enough self-control to stop yourself from charging more money than you have to pay it off with at the end of the month.