
Lovely story, congrats to the new parents.

According to the study, women’s grip and pinch strength has remained relatively the same over the past 30 years and now, in 2016, our hand strength is about on par with our millennial male counterparts.

When I got in a terrible car accident I gave my diamond earrings to my husband to hold during the cat scan/mri stuff. He put them in his pants pockets.

This misses the point. Nico Hines’ staggering ignorance is the least shocking part of this article. The original piece included identifying information about these athletes—some of whom are from repressive countries where violence against LGBTQ individuals is common and sanctioned. With one incredibly crappy

Or, Cold as Ice... Willing to sacrifice?

If you're wondering later, "Gee crime, I don't know" was when I decided to kick your ass.


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Yeah, that’s the thing needing prioritizing here.

Although she included women of color in her examples, I found it unrealistic that she made it through all these words - including talking about a “hierarchy” within even feminist media, yet didn’t mention race. Because the following is definitely NOT true for all:

White, middle class, and pretty.

dead girls and women—particularly those abused and victimized and murdered—rule the attention game*

... Okay, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet and already have a headache, but can someone please explain to me what exactly she’s supposed to be doing with that parachute? I think... she’s parachuting wrong? Parachutes don’t make you rise, they just prevent you from a splattery death while you’re on the way down...

I normally like Katy Perry’s songs, but this is one is just fucking horrible. It makes me mad every time I hear it, which is a huge problem since I love the Olympics and will probably hear it 140,000 times in the next two weeks.

Kinja gonna Kinja.

True Story:

extrememely for sure my bud

To be honest, even though they still register with me as comically dated, I don’t haaate them either, and I think that’s because the current trends are so faux 1880s/1920s rustic pastiche that it’s making the polar opposite—70s/80s schemes—look better and better.