
Haha, good form. But I mean, I just felt kinda bad for poor Travis—we all have brain farts sometimes.

Pork Wine. The OTHER white wine.

Now playing

"Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human."

It is actually the case that diabetics can eat a McD's extra value meal with all the fixins, and be ok, but that drinking a regular soda will throw their shit out of whack. They're not drinking diet soda to lose weight, they're drinking it to regulate their blood sugar.

Please refrain from playing the game for the time being.

There was this guy today at the cafe, where we were the only two people in the room, and he kept on staring at me, while I was eating, doing homework, and using the phone. And as I was using Tinder, I saw his profile, it was quite racially charged and full of fetishization (think confederate flags, Yellow Fever,

Please don't tell her how to feel about her own experience. It is not your place to instruct her on what her emotions should be about something that happened to her.


But you have plenty of desire to comment about your lack of desire to sympathize or understand someone whose experiences were not yours. Got it. Thanks for stopping by.

Probably. We would have gotten that one right if you came into my Taco Bell.

Wow, you just really want to make things the server's fault, don't you? Also, re-read the root beer story. He was TRYING to explain when she started shouting at him. So you have one story out of seven that would've been shortened (but wouldn't be as funny) if the server had asked a question or tried to clarify

Come on now. Everyone knows that cut toast releases powerful and potentially deadly gluten fumes.

What a baller thing to admit. Zero fucks given.

Time for a Kickstarter to raise insane amounts of money for them!

I will slowly back away from this thread as it's obvious I'm in the minority here.

That paragraph is spectacular. You appear to be lost. I'm sure there is a nice article about knitting your righteous indignation into mittens over on lifehacker.

I can't possibly be the only server who thinks putting "extra love," whatever the hell that may mean, in a person's omelet is unconscionable, no matter how much of a dickwalrus the person is? I mean, unless "extra love" means "too much black pepper" or something. In my more than 20 years of serving, no matter how

If someone offers me a bowl of M&Ms and tells me 10% are poisoned, am I going to take any? Women lie about having boyfriends because we don't know which clueless asshole is going to try and physically hurt us to try force his way past a polite rejection. Yep, it's small subset but some of them are fucking dangerous

That's actually from the ANH novelization.