
also, i would probably never encourage my teenage daughter to become the face and name of such a polarizing social issue. it’s not like the fisher family funded this themselves, they let interested parties drive this case and abby is going to be the one that has her face attached to it her whole life

I just realized that Emilia Clark plays Danys exactly like Queen Amidala. It’s all monotone and robotic. Great acting.

Calling the ending: Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen marry and the steamy softcore passion of their wedding night, gratuitously depicted by HBO, melts all the ice zombies.

Now playing

I guess it’s the true cynic in me showing, but it amazes me how guillible the public is with this Lemonade -ish. With Jay-Z’s support, Ms. B is playing the public like the true PR puppetmaster she is. Milking his $uppo$ed cheating for all it is worth. She knows full well she’ll have the full $upport of the Hive,

How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

no. shan’t.

Did you see the video of the Splash Mountain employee beating one back with a plastic pole as guests are literally feet away, oblivious? How can people still have this flippant attitude when there is video of a gator on a goddamn Disney ride in the middle of the park. I'm a fucking local born and raised and I would

are any of you parents? have any of you worked as a live-in child care professional? because her choice of outfit in that scenario doesn’t look crazy to me. sometimes you’re just taking care of your toddler and want to step outside, but you have to dress yourself, dress your toddler pack snacks, water, milk bottles,

It must be great to be so perfect.

For real. I kept waiting for THE BAD THING to happen. For a second I thought Jon was going to suffocate under an increasing pile of bodies, just the most pointless and non-glorious death possible, just to GRRM us good.

Moon tea. Fuck that little embryonic shit.

I’m calling it now. Sansa is pregnant with Ramsay Bolton’s child. Most likely a boy. Just look at the scene where Sansa confronts Little Finger, and tells him she still feels the pain of her encounters with Ramsay. Then their is the final scene where Ramsey says, I’ll always be a part of you.

Of course Leo is bad in bed. Did anyone ever have any doubt? I mean, since he was a teenager, he has had tons of young models clamoring to take a ride, he doesn’t have to extend effort and never will. He’ll be Jack Nicholson’s age, and still pull it out, crook his finger, say “climb on, honey” and some 22 year old

Oh I know. I used to live down there. I just found it funny (well funny/sad) that they’ve killed so many gators today just to find a body or parts of one and everyone is nodding yet a few weeks ago a gorilla was killed to save an actual life and everyone lost their damn minds.

He wasn’t in the damn lake, he was walking on the waters edge of a sand beach on a man made lake. None of those preclude that (except poop which I threw in because it’s sometimes true but certainly not at an expensive resort).

Maybe they should add some of those.

Right? If the signs don’t look something like this, they are not enough.

That would make sense. Or just “do not go near water’s edge.” The water was apparently around a foot deep. Swimming that is not and it’s absolutely horrible that people are acting like these parents flouted the signs and are culpable.

Sticking your feet in water is not swimming.

fuck off