
I’m truly curious - once the majority of people on a comment thread take time & effort to calmly explain their points and shut down your nonsensical arguments (of which you have many), and once you finish calling people names after your arguments implode, do you just hop to the next thread to start it all over again?

“Numerous harms” LOL please keep gems like this coming. You can’t even debate people you disagree with!

This is hilarious and directly answers what I asked YYY upthread...they are afraid of (and therefore incapable of) providing reasoned arguments, so it’s *criminalization of speech they disagree with* for all!

You’re kind and patient to continue debating with someone who doesn’t seem to understand how the law, or life, or anything, works. I commend you.

You’re right - Nazi speeches are not great; they’re actually terrible and filled with pseudoscientific garbage. So wouldn’t it be easy to counter them with rational arguments against the claims they make? It is actually really easy, but instead, you hope to squash any conversation about it and claim moral superiority

THANK YOU. I’ve been waiting for someone to just acknowledge that toxic speech deserves confrontation in debate and reasoned takedowns, not criminalization. Which should and would be easy considering white supremacist logic is INSANE.