Did this sound good in your head?
Did this sound good in your head?
I know we’re all dying in the Sylvia Plath sense but you’re not dying the way Chloe over there is dying.
No, “we” dont recognize this incredibly foolish thing.
Interesting to watch the play develop. The guy who forced him out of the pocket (49) is the same one who tackled him.
As a fellow Andrew, that’s the thinking that’s gotten me this far.
Respect it?!?! so you’re just as big of an a-hole as that guy, eh? Do you help yourself to coins from the blind guys hat too? What a tool.
No, that’s a bitch move.
Yeah its so boring which is why I remember exactly how she looked, what she said, what she was wearing, how she tasted, how she felt... but I was terribly bored the entire time. It’s definitely not the only time I almost had sex.
Also I went to Harvard and she was totally impressed with that. I didn’t bring it up, she…
Seriously, you should change your name to EL-OBTUSO
I appreciate how this bold young man is calling Ross out on the mission of the charity. It’s like:
If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?
Yes, it would have been nice if he had realized this before he wrote his book, however the book was a reflection of part of that culture and someone would have written something similar.
Joule thief!
I’m really glad your political science degree is finally coming in handy.
I suspect your friend should enjoy his chocolate because she is already planning to systematically destroy him over the next fifteen years.
If these walls could talk; you’d probably hate their accent.
Twas a bad day to be orange.
Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?
When he said he was a “fucking soldier,” he wasn’t kidding.
Later on in his career, after being sent to Tampa Bay via trade, Winslow acquired a life-sized silicone mold of a woman’s torso—complete with vagina and anus—to bring with him on road trips, according to one former assistant coach.