The real story is that despite all his problems, he's still eligible to play in the NFL. FOOTBALL BABY!!
The real story is that despite all his problems, he's still eligible to play in the NFL. FOOTBALL BABY!!
I have never figured that shit out and I'm almost 40. I blame the hammocks.
Always good to have at least 1 extra pair for skid repair or shweddy balls.
Between Nash, Kobe and now, Carlos Boozer, the Lakers have to be considered the favorite for the 2006 NBA title.
are you insinuating he watches DeGrassi? Wait. What? Who's a cripple?
Drew Magary's piece this week on over-competitive kids (and parents) mentioned Fairfax, Va.'s prestigious W.T.…
Donald Sterling: Says offensive things; mocked at Espys.
There wasn't a dry eye in the house, except, you know, one of his.
Or is it?
1. Voice strong opinion
Throughout this 12-year period of serial abuse and wretched behavior, the sports world and the media have been remarkably silent. Boxing has always been a sport that involved dangerous men, many of whom did bad things outside the ring. What is unique about Mayweather is the degree to which the sport and media…
No!~ I bet you are one of those that put friggin' pineapples on pizzas too. Stop this at once, you are disturbing the natural order of digestion.
"I don't particularly like her interview style. She's okay, I guess. I sometimes wonder if she doesn't rely a little too much on her looks, though, and not enough on her considerable intelligence and reporting acumen."
-WEEI overnight guy James Maxihane
It's George Will, his haircut advisor.
I have no problem with Wainwright grooving a pitch to Jeter. It's an exhibition game. Just don't tell me how this game "counts" when even the players don't buy it.
I think finding out that Selig's relaxed pose is to hold his arms like a t-rex is Jeter's best contribution to the sport.
I saw this earlier they just filmed like 50 of these and deleted the ones that didn't come true
No wonder most Americans automatically side with Israel, we're both wealthy nations filled with shamelessly self-absorbed assholes so far removed from any conflict we enter that it's incredibly easy to cheerlead for atrocities. I wish I could even be surprised that Violent Nationalism Selfies are a thing, but I can't.
This is a cow. It's not a tugjob, just a little boob play. I demand a new picture.