Mr. Knightley's Favorite Treats

No. She is the worst. It’s one thing to be a flaming racist narcissist; that’s a condition that requires self-awareness to correct, and if there’s one thing a narcissist doesn’t have, it’s that. So, Donald is evil, but I expect nothing more from him.

Basket of deplorables? You don’t say....

Oh, totes Don. The American press is so HARD and MEAN! Maybe you could get one of your friends from RT to do it.

Is it wrong that I find Louie Gohmert to be “refreshingly” stupid?

Because it’s fucking dangerous! The practices individually are great if it works for you, but that “attachment parenting” movement causes more depression in women and outright states that your baby will suffer if you go back to work. Not to mention it’s always the women who are giving up their time and energy to do

Agreed. That’s my point. Calling it “attachment parenting” elevates it to something other than families making decisions for themselves.

Good for you. But it’s bullshit. My non-attachment parented 3 year is thriving and awesome.

Agreed. There is so much judgement and guilt with AP. I read the original book, and there were some concepts that were useful but there was no way you could work and do AP by the book. Basically you have to become utterly devoted to your child’s needs, and ignore your own utterly.

He’s kind of full of shit with the attachment mothering shit too.

Dr. Sears is a fucking dickhole. And attachment parenting is a gross term middle/upper class white ladies use to feel smug and superior to other mothers who either can’t or don’t want to practice it. So fuck him for that.

Because the appearance of impropriety in a woman is more of a threat than actual evidence of impropriety in a man. This is known.

When asked for comment, fellow roosters had this to say:

I would honestly enjoy watching interpretive dance intelligence briefings. And since we can apparently bring friends along, how about some intelligence briefing hangman with snacktime?

From now on, all briefings should be conducted using body language exclusively. The intelligence officers will sit silently while Trump stares at them, and determines from the angle of their knees what ISIS will do next.

OK, so HRC had improperly marked emails on a server that was not the official State Department server, and people are all up in arms that maybe some classified information maybe COULD HAVE BEEN compromised (let’s pay no attention to the fact that the actual government servers on which her emails would normally be WERE

Yeah, but this one time Hillary met with the King of Bahrainistan or whatever after he gave her foundation some money, so, y’know, it’s all equal and stuff.

I have always hated LuAnn. This season sealed the deal.

Dorinda really has it in for Carole this reunion. All of the stupidity with the “How dare you speak of my dead husband and ghosts!” is overkill. Either she’s jealous of Carole’s friendship with Bethenny, or she’s still pissed off about the misunderstanding with Carole’s joke about sweaty John holding an apple.

Let me just say..