Now and Then is basically a female Stand by Me.
He also hosted this weird Canadian X-Files knock-off called PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal.
being a love interest isn’t a negative thing. i don’t know if i’ve ever seen a movie in which every female character was actually written to be stupid, incompetent or a jerk
Yeah, people act like remakes/reboots/franchises are a new thing, but they’ve been around since the silent era.
Yes, Swinton supports Polanski and should totally be criticized for it.
She was a producer on Jane Got a Gun, fuck ANYONE who was involved (such as Natalie Portman) in trying to ruin Lynne Ramsay’s reputation.
I could never abide the fact that she supports Roman Polanski (like so many other people in Hollywood). And she wrote some Op-Ed a few years ago which compared eating meat with rape, which kind of sealed it for me. She’s talented, but ignorant.
Are you familiar with Guy in Your MFA on Twitter?
Read some more interviews with her. She’s worse than Goop.
So insufferable. I’ve been done with her she said she knew how it felt to be black.
I’m pale enough to be a long-lost member of The Cure, and even I am not this white.
He looked like his mom. His sister looks like a Kennedy though.
I read a true crime reddit. They had a temporary banning on posts about JonBenet Ramsey because every post started a shitstorm.
As the kids says, I can’t even.....
I’m not surprised that those with money and connections can get it, considering I saw an episode of Intervention where a woman, not rich at all, was addiction to the lollipop version of fentanyl. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, especially when you have money and access.
She’s rich.