
I think he thinks that if he silences his accusers that he’ll be beloved TV dad Bill Cosby again. Did you read that awful quickly-pulled, but will live forever on the internet article about that cop who assaulted all those women in Okalahoma? It said that, not only was he totally convinced that he would be acquitted,

Wasn’t that in the Michael Jackson episode?

I agree. That’s why it annoyed me to get accused of being anti-trans.

Yup. People give Kris Jenner shit for being a “momanger” to her girls, but Caitlyn was worse.

“Where my country gone?”

Once I got accused of being “anti-trans” because I don’t like Caitlin Jenner, but I don’t like her for shit like this.

WTF? Once I got teased for how I closed a door. I pulled the handle. That’s it!

I wouldn’t mind it if they didn’t get everywhere. I have freckles ON MY EYELIDS.

Me too!

My stalker did the same thing. He also said that he wouldn’t stop until I killed myself. He stopped when he became fixated on someone else.

I’m always disappointed when I see celebs smoking.

My stalker claimed that I was stalking him too. Yeah. I was the only putting up websites with his personal info and calling him upwards of a dozen times a day. No, wait - that was him.

I was stalked by a convicted sex offender and the police just shrugged too.

I voted for Jill Stein in 2012, but I won’t vote for anyone solely based on gender.

I read a book a few years ago called Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth about Guilty Pleasure TV, and it said that often emotionally unstable people are cast to “create drama.”

It’s like something a 7th grader would write.

It’s in the transcript:

It reminds me of how she and others tout her “decades of experience,” which is only true if you count her husband’s record since she won her first election in 2000! Yet, if you bring up bad things her husband did as president or governor; “it’s not fair to judge her by her husband’s record!”

Me too and I’ve been accused of being sexist for saying that I won’t vote for her because of her gender.

I think that scene was in Casino.