
So is this the daughter who stated she doesn't identify with black people because she went to a prep school and is rich or is this the daughter who was raped by Mike Tyson and Bill and Camille forced her not to report it to police?

That's sad because I just heard not all presents like you. :(

*commits grand larceny*
*gets called daring/resourceful instead of a thug*

Shouldn't the title change from 'Relatable' to 'Idiotic child steals from family..."

Is anyone else thinking she's lucky she is white?

"All of me" is a lovely ballad. Your heart is dead.

ugh, i know. like all the white women who came out recently and said they were feminists - none of them had their ideologies questioned. but Bey, who sang bout female empowerment from the beginning of her career - is being subjected to slut shaming and condescension

I love that song. I think it's really beautiful.

Yeah fuck that. The world isn't ready for historical accuracy? What?

This was my major problem with Christian Bale basically saying that the world wasn't ready for a brown Moses, and maybe in ten or twenty years we could have one.

Interesting how people are complaining about Beyonce's simplistic view of feminism, yet Emma Watson's simplistic speech about feminism receives critical acclaim. Funny how that works. *sips tea*

It's funny because to me it doesn't seem like she has a big ego. To me it seems like she has self confidence. That she knows her worth and doesn't hide her light under a bushel which is wonderful. An ego gives the impression that someone is a jackass that thinks that they are better than others and treats people

What do you mean in some ways? I feel like there is more pressure placed on brown women to PROVE that they are feminists when we just accept white women as feminists. Who cares? Why should we have to adhere to a very specific set of beliefs to be able to call ourselves feminists? That in itself is not a very feminist

i can understand what you are saying, even though i dont agree with it. the male gaze is often brought up in the beyonce conversation, but of you try and connect her persona with her lyrics, it becomes obvious that she is a feminist. in the song flawless, -"don't think i'm just his little wife" or in the song

Bey even said herself that she and her husband are equals. That two people in a relationship should be equal. I believe that she feels that way but is still comfortable with some traditional roles. As long as it's what she chooses then I see nothing wrong with it. This goes back to the debate about taking a man's last

I think this headline is partly to blame. Far from explaining "the meaning of life," you could tell from the actual video that she was reflecting on *her* life and perspective.

yea, how dare she not expound on feminist theory every chance she gets !!!!

wow ur such a non conformerr !!!!

uhm, easy.