They want to defend Lena and the only way to do so is to omit.
They want to defend Lena and the only way to do so is to omit.
This is a strongly biased and willfully ignorant: what about the passage where Lena (older than 7 by far — with best guesses around 13 years old . . . remember, there's an age gap between her and her *younger* sister) is bribing her sister for affection (kisses, "relaxing on her") and masturbating in bed next to her. …
Really? Because kids never molest other kids? Sorry, but they do.
THANK YOU. The only answer to this question is that it is on purpose they are leaving out the parts you mentioned because in totality it looks really fucking bad.
Of course white feminist doesn't find anything wrong what Lena did to her sister. She did sexually abuse her sister and she even called herself a sexual predator. Had this been a man saying the same things as Lena done to a brother or sister people would not be defending him like they are defending creepy ass Lena.
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister…
You left out the part where she talks about masturbating while her sister was in the bed with her. I've not been one to say OMG SEXUAL ABUSE but clearly boundaries and tack were lacking in the Dunham household. And it's just weird for people to be like "Oh she's just quirky." If she wasn't famous and just that woman…
I think my biggest issue with this whole fiasco is not the acts Lena describes, but that she so cavalierly mentions that she did what a sexual predator would do (as I realize you discuss in this article). I realize that this is her brand of humor and maybe I just don't get her humor, but it is an out-of-touch,…
I'm pretty sure she's being scolded for the right reasons: i.e. being an oversharing, solipsistic, privileged twit who thinks every damn thought that crosses her brain is a Precious Pearl That Needs to Be Expressed to the World.
Well, just imagine how I felt when I sat down for Grey's Anatomy and was greeted with Charlie Brown. I'm confident that I was more upset than the kids who might have witnessed a few seconds of naughty touching.
50 years from now, she'll look 40. Black don't crack.
Well when we start judging women by their ability to piss in cornflakes I look forward to buying your magazine cover.
They had all weekend to carefully "think it out". This isn't the NYT. Gawker is the one that actually published that this was even going on. Crickets on Jezebel until this morning. While I agree that we should in no way shame children for exploring, there is also a significant age difference between Lena and Grace and…
Famous white "feminist" explores her 1 year old sister's vagina, carefully spreading it apart (because she wasn't resisting!) and checkin it out, later she bribes her sister with candy to give her long kisses and to lay on her, later she lays in bed next to her and masturbates, and then later outs her to the family.…
All the Lena Dunham discussions being buried in the grays underneath scores of comments lambasting Chris Brown pretty much sums up white feminism, doesn't it?
I am appalled at every single person who's defending what Lena Dunham wrote in her book. Let's not ignore the fact that she referred to herself as a "sexual predator" while she mentions all the different times she manipulated her sister into doing things like kissing her on the mouth. Let's not ignore the fact that…
Wow, really disappointed in Gawker and Jezebel for completely downplaying Lena Dunham literally molesting a child. These aren't crazy "right-wing accusations", these are things she actually wrote in her memoir. This isn't an isolated incident of a 7-year-old being weird, this went on for years. She touched her…
I feel like Jezebel has really punted on this Lena Dunham story.