
Ben was a goddamn marvel of restraint on that episode.

I used to watch his show every week, but I just can't anymore. He reminds me so much of my religious family. They want to bring you the good word of Christ and why your life is empty without him, and Maher wants to bring you the good word of atheism and why you're a fucking idiot without it.

Girl, you know Bey can wear a leotard like no one else!

I am legit excited about this. I love cute, well made work out clothes. I wonder what the pricing will be like? I find Top Shop is sometimes a little much for what it is.

Did you seriously just do the "A lot of my friends are X" thing?

I like Michelle Phan and her transformations are pretty amazing, but as someone who is half-Caucasian and half-Mexican, I'm not really crazy about the idea of someone who's not Mexican dressing up as a calavera. Maybe it's just me?

I don't see much good happening as a result of this. I can already see L'Oreal ads where they have the lightest of light skinned models with curly hair selling this hair care product for black women. Or they might erase the black hair care products narrative entirely and put curly haired white models in the ads while

/long rant

A male friend was a victim of domestic abuse. A female friend was a victim of domestic abuse. They did not have the same experiences getting help, etc because of gender roles, homophobia, sexism, etc. There is a place and need in society for general and specific help.

If MRAs really cared about Mens Rights,

please enjoy this picture of my cat in a tie.

Have we found out what exactly Frank's role is in the law office?

And we're back. I love that Matt McGorry is kind of a dick

Madeleine, can we please put this bullshit in a Dirtbag. PLEASE! Have a missed it already? I DID have to spend an entire day off the internet yesterday.

The ironic thing is that we, in Nigeria, or indeed the rest of the world, are the ones that should be scared of you. The dude who knowingly brought Ebola to Nigeria in the first place was an American, there is now officially more Ebola in America than there is in many other African countries and you guys appear to not

Who runs the world? GOURDS.

This is one of the reasons why I've lost the Halloween spirit over the years. Anything is fair game no matter how offensive it is, and if you point out the offensiveness of it, you're condemned for not having a sense of humor and being politically correct. Basic human decency hardy has any value anymore.

You should change your name to fartsonly1.

yes, nauseous pregnant women have been known to be global killers

Yes, because the literal articulation of the word is the only way racism can manifest.

well i searched for the word 'racism' on this page and your comment is literally the only instance, so....

Cue the oblivious angry "what racism?!" readers. In 3...2....