
That part was so not necessary, I hate it. Based on her history of victim advocating and the fact that these allegations came to light in a big way after her accepting/filing her role in the film I honestly would have been pretty happy with no direct condemnation of his actions and just respected her for not staying

Completely agree. I respect her and my love for her work remains intact but some MAJOR problematic elements to lots of what she said despite it staring off so well. It stinks of “I’m not defending it but....” Well yeah, you are defending it actually and being a victim doesn’t make it OK to continue the cycle of

Which would be understandable( though not excusable) as a lot of people don’t unfortunately. But the fucker clearly STILL doesn’t frickin know what consent is and if he really HAD educated himself (you know, about how he raped someone) he would be acting a hell of a lot differently or he would at least have some

so much this.

couldn’t agree more!

Act like you are genuinely considering voting for Trump based on his argument and say things like “ My problem is that he takes a lot of maintenance as a candidate, he changes his mind so its so hard to work out what I should be saying to be the best support to him. For example, should I call all Mexicans rapists or

ahhhhh me too! To both the whole wanting to shut off when things are going bad and the 6 years ago I looked good thing!! ahaha

I got Facebook and it’s the only form of social media I’ve used despite years of my friend’s using myspace or msn chat or whatever and it was because of my mum too!! She said she wanted to know I was alive when I grew up and moved away (a few years later) without me feeling pressured into contacting her when I should

I think Ginger Is a Construct(maybe?) mentioned something about a documentary I was interested in substituting this film for that might be interesting to you too:)

that would be because the girl had consented to sex with him before on another occasion which is logical cus know, reasons I guess. euggh

i’m bad at this game. This is literally my best effort. sad


Ahhh #bingate. It haunts us all, my friend. :D

And her whole family were just ridiculously wonderful as well!!! Her dad, husband, kids etc. were all so overjoyed it was just such a lovely moment in every way. I loved her relationship with Tamal too. I love competitions where everyone is supportive, there’s just no need not to be. :) GAHHH SO MUCH LOVE

THIS! i’ve been trying to articulate this to a few people, thanks :)

it really is terrifying :/ that’s a really accurate term

nahhhh we’re just overeacting. There’s nothing wrong with a group of armed, fully head-to-toe clothed men surrounding a lone woman and forcing said woman to remove her clothes in front of the public and her child for no good reason. euggggh

I’m grey so this might get lost but worth a shot-

ummmmmmmmmm, people shouldn’t be “branded for life with a felony offense and branded a sex offender”....errrr yeah they kinda should. You know if they actually ARE a frickin sex offender that’s literally the reason there’s a frickin sex offenders list, you ididot. Who the fuck SHOULD we put on it if not them? People