
yeah “if we hurry we can cause a back log of people built up around us by taking her down. And you know...not one of us six officers should maybe tell them to step back.”

Well I mean, to be fair, mainly women do that really and...well do they REALLY count as people?

it’s almost like lone women don’t want to hang out in subway stations and just want to get home sometimes...jk clearly we should just tackle her to the ground.


ahhh, all the broken ankles. P.E was the best. (Seriously though whose idea was it to arm a load of teenagers and force them to pick sides?!)

Where’s the real Tina then?! What did you do with her, you monster?!?!

Euugh, yup. You’re so right.

This is a really good comment :)

so much this!

Right?! Like... what?! I guess if I’m 100% honest I HAVE seen some ugly babies, not the end of the world, but that baby’s super cute?! Look at his little cheeks! and tiny shoes!

Really? I thought she’d dated way more American guys?

Yeah... but tbf their jury has pretty much always been out on whether they really consider women as human let alone politicians! ;)

That’s fair, I suppose what made me assume it was choice rather than necessity (like I would class endometriosis related resigning as) was her wording suggesting everyone should use it as time to “drop in” on themselves. But I certainly can’t rule out what you said. ( Also I believe she sells home-made herbal

From what I’ve found the secret to not being poor is to just have money. It’s very effective.

the other kind of dick in a box....

you know, cus men are so involved with tampons! They can’t get enough of talking about ‘em!

I wish I could just decide to not have a job anymore!!!

I definitely think the term has gained popularity in trans/non gender conforming communities (anecdotally) so that might be why people are keen to adopt it :)