It's a little fun.
It's a little fun.
"If you look out the left side of the plane, you'll see a beautiful view of the Grand Canyon. Think of this as our way to say 'Thank you for flying Southwest.' Naturally, this flight from Boston to Tampa will be arriving a little late."
I will always love Big Trouble because of the fantastic Patrick Warbuton nudity.
That movie always makes me think of David Cross' amazing standup about flags. "FLAAAAAAGS!"
He's something, all right.
Have the squid role filled by Bam Margera and call it Prankster Squid.
Was this the one where Jonathan was threatening to snipe people from the clock tower? I don't remember that one being delayed.
The last publication of Rage that I know about was in 1985. It's a shame, because it's a really difficult, fascinating story. I really dislike that national tragedy somehow makes certain plot points off-limits - fiction needs to continue addressing issues like these.
Um, a "java slinger" with a lot of great personality traits doesn't mean he makes enough money to rent an apartment in New York. On top of that, I could totally see Ray's honest pessimism poking through on job interviews in way that could cost him higher paying jobs. He also admitted he's a big loser - losers can be…
If by "alarming" you mean "erotic," yes.
His total lack of awareness about his own prissy grooming habits vs. other people's habits is amazing.
To each his own. The relationship stuff wore thin a long time ago and hasn't added anything to her character, although I do like Hank. The playwrite story felt like an expansion of her needs and desires, but now she's back to being either Very Single or Constant Doomed Monogamist, and that's basically it.
They couldn't have said "big old lesbians"? Would've been just as impactful.
I am questioning how I feel about Christa Miller using the phrase "big old dykes." I don't want to be an extremist, or make a mountain out of a molehill, but I dunno. The show clearly used it in a loving way, and I've already had the "dykes on bikes reclaimed the term" discussion a bunch, soooo I'm having mixed…
From on high, I heard a voice, and it sayeth unto me: D10. And it was good.
Yes yes, ya'll, let's talk, ya'll. Come on, don't let to talk stop.
Wait, I had more to say. Drew and Amy's goodbye made me cry, Mark and Sarah's goodbye made me cry even though I don't like either of them at all, and everything Amber says to Ryan made me cry from the second she was on the screen. Mae Whitman is amazing. I can't believe how much I can relate.
Kristina looked awesome in the Natalie Portman in Closer Wig.