Anne Noise

I honestly forget Sarah is a mom half the time.  Did she even see either of her children this episode, or say their names or anything?  Drew's extra-curricular abortion graduation present sucked up all the Drew for the season.

I think Renee overreacted, but it was also Crosby's fight to fight, and to find out for himself this particular stubbornness, even if Jasmine warned him.  He married into "resolving" things in a different way.

I squeal like the gay man I am every time I see Joel in bed.  That time he and Peter Krause were in a pool together was a dream come true.  Swooooon.

So much less like a tampon commercial than the intro of Bunheads.

She makes a good Butters-type.

I think Sutton Foster is still well-suited to the role and does a great job.  Lauren Graham just has some big shoes to fill.

How about at 4am? So my options are The Second Time Adult Swim Airs Tonight, Infomercial For Bullshit, or ABC's Best Comedy?  Hmmmm.

Don't Trust the Memory of Apartment 23.

@twitter-35143468:disqus : so you're more 18 year old girl than 65 year old man?


Why not heroin?

They had such a solid thing going with the Revenge of Must See TV Thursday Night Comedy Block, but losing the kingpin in 30 Rock might hurt everything else.  That and Whitney moving in… the neighborhood really went to shit.

Mid summer burnoff, probs.  I think they're doing the same with 666 John Locke Ave.?

I wish TV was more like sports in that aspect - maybe Bitch 23 (is this the abbreeve we're settling with?  Really?) has shown its comedy and would be more suitable for Fox, so during the midseason they could've traded for, say, Ben & Kate or even Mindy Project and hoped for a better audience on both sides.

Yeah, I'm sick of June being like three different characters depending on which part of the season (or which season!) each episode is from.

As long as none of the become the new CW.

The dozens of different groups who pirate and distribute every show imaginable for free online surely have huge overhead costs.

They're also the network that makes glob-awful pickup choices, sometimes.

Ugh, I hate when shows I love (and arguably also two good shows that should work together) get the schedule shuffle like this.  They already moved the show to Friday, and zero people I know knew they aired episodes the past two Sundays.  How can you expect shows with decent but dwindling fanbases and ratings to