Anne Noise

The song that really summed up middle school dances for me is C'mon 'N Ride It.  Lots of trains being ridden at those dances.

The song that really summed up middle school dances for me is C'mon 'N Ride It.  Lots of trains being ridden at those dances.



I had middle school dances, with ridiculously inappropriate booty shaking music.  (To be fair, I was running the school store during these dances, playing Magic: the Gathering in the back, but I know they existed!  I helped plan them and then stayed outside, haha.

I had middle school dances, with ridiculously inappropriate booty shaking music.  (To be fair, I was running the school store during these dances, playing Magic: the Gathering in the back, but I know they existed!  I helped plan them and then stayed outside, haha.

Joel is so sexy I can hardly stand it.

Joel is so sexy I can hardly stand it.

The souring seems to come from the fact that Lorelai Gilmore can't keep her clit in her fucking pants to save her life.

The souring seems to come from the fact that Lorelai Gilmore can't keep her clit in her fucking pants to save her life.

Nope, question marks in quotes are dictated by logic - if the phrase being quoted is a question, it goes inside the quotation marks; if the phrase being quoted is not a question, but the sentence quoting the quote is a question, the question mark goes outside the quotation marks.  So sayeth the MLA, and every other

Nope, question marks in quotes are dictated by logic - if the phrase being quoted is a question, it goes inside the quotation marks; if the phrase being quoted is not a question, but the sentence quoting the quote is a question, the question mark goes outside the quotation marks.  So sayeth the MLA, and every other

@avclub-eb106695cc6be23b5f9f646780d5fb23:disqus : American Reform Presbylutheranist, to be accurate.

@avclub-eb106695cc6be23b5f9f646780d5fb23:disqus : American Reform Presbylutheranist, to be accurate.

That sounds like justification for laziness more than creative process.  It's not that it's knowingly terrible, it's that even the "knowingly terrible" part is really unjustifiably bad.

That sounds like justification for laziness more than creative process.  It's not that it's knowingly terrible, it's that even the "knowingly terrible" part is really unjustifiably bad.

Always happy to hear Harry Shearer's awesome Vin Scully impersonation.

Always happy to hear Harry Shearer's awesome Vin Scully impersonation.

Cheap bastards.