Anne Noise

I have a giant stuffed Family Dog from my childhood that has outlasted… three family dogs.

Big Bird's alimony payments.

Big Bird's alimony payments.

I think we've had enough shitty cartoon revivals for one universe.

I think we've had enough shitty cartoon revivals for one universe.

Meh.  All the trailers made is seem like a C movie.  I'll see it when I can stream it.

Meh.  All the trailers made is seem like a C movie.  I'll see it when I can stream it.

I legitimately love Blair Witch, though I was I think 13 when I saw it in theaters.  I still think it holds up as a fun, gripping, interesting suspense movie.

I legitimately love Blair Witch, though I was I think 13 when I saw it in theaters.  I still think it holds up as a fun, gripping, interesting suspense movie.

The 0-plot.  It's a first act gone awry.

The 0-plot.  It's a first act gone awry.

Willow and Will are launching a remake of Annie, so there's that.  Of course she gets her own franchise.

Willow and Will are launching a remake of Annie, so there's that.  Of course she gets her own franchise.

I believe the reason given was over the concern with calling people who died in Tower 2 "jerks," if retroactively, not because of PTSD in survivors or something.

I believe the reason given was over the concern with calling people who died in Tower 2 "jerks," if retroactively, not because of PTSD in survivors or something.

Homer's not here, man.

Homer's not here, man.

Your first first!  OH MY GOD MY FIRST FIRST FIRST!  Firstception!

Your first first!  OH MY GOD MY FIRST FIRST FIRST!  Firstception!

I can't draw, but I have to say how much I love that it was just "Ultimate."  It's so Ultimate, it's THE Ultimate.