Anne Noise

I read he only produced one song, and that Bazooka Tooth and None Shall Pass were largely done by Aesop Rock and Blockhead?  Did El-P have some kind of oversight into production I haven't read about?

I read he only produced one song, and that Bazooka Tooth and None Shall Pass were largely done by Aesop Rock and Blockhead?  Did El-P have some kind of oversight into production I haven't read about?

I'm dumb.

I'm dumb.

ZZZ Top is killer.

ZZZ Top is killer.

I like to see what they review and check it out on my own.  Their scores are drenched in their own hype, and the reviews never help me sort my own feelings out about the music I don't know enough about already.

I like to see what they review and check it out on my own.  Their scores are drenched in their own hype, and the reviews never help me sort my own feelings out about the music I don't know enough about already.

B+ for sure.  I've been pumping this shit all morning, it's very good, super fresh and nasty like he does.  It could almost be a companion album to El-P's Cancer for Cure, they seem to touch on a lot of similar themes and sounds - and I would love to see a collabo from them…

B+ for sure.  I've been pumping this shit all morning, it's very good, super fresh and nasty like he does.  It could almost be a companion album to El-P's Cancer for Cure, they seem to touch on a lot of similar themes and sounds - and I would love to see a collabo from them…

Not being snarky at all - that picture with the puppy is from his questionable and overpriced personal dog breeding service.  Even as a joke it's based in something horrible, because he is horrible.

Not being snarky at all - that picture with the puppy is from his questionable and overpriced personal dog breeding service.  Even as a joke it's based in something horrible, because he is horrible.

I think Chris Brown has found new success by targeting a younger demographic who are more forgiving and/or oblivious to the extent of his past.  Four years is forever ago in the music industry and an eternity ago in pop radio, so crawling out of the hole, sales-wise, shouldn't be too hard if he just makes bland

I think Chris Brown has found new success by targeting a younger demographic who are more forgiving and/or oblivious to the extent of his past.  Four years is forever ago in the music industry and an eternity ago in pop radio, so crawling out of the hole, sales-wise, shouldn't be too hard if he just makes bland

I never thought I would live in a world where a newly-queer R&B artist in a shock-hip-hop collective would outsell Chris Brown.  What a wonderful day.

I never thought I would live in a world where a newly-queer R&B artist in a shock-hip-hop collective would outsell Chris Brown.  What a wonderful day.

Speaking of someone who would never fuck Chris Brown, Frank Ocean was amazing on Fallon last night.  I'm looking forward to listening to Channel Orange sometime this week - once I get over Aesop Rock's fantastic new album.

Speaking of someone who would never fuck Chris Brown, Frank Ocean was amazing on Fallon last night.  I'm looking forward to listening to Channel Orange sometime this week - once I get over Aesop Rock's fantastic new album.

Correction: they're both Brown.

Correction: they're both Brown.