
I fucking hate Seth Rogen (and Johna Hill and Judd Apatow). I fucking hate them with the fire of a burning white dwarf star. Fuck him for taking on Kurzweil. I get Kurzweil is annoying (I teach him in my college classes) but fuck this dipshit for thinking he has anything original or new to say. Fuck.

Yeah, I originally read this as it was originally coffee-flavored ice cream, but Melissa Benoist ate too much of it so they had to switch to vanilla (which it appears to be in the scene).

How about this...make a movie that people want to see? I know, absurd and all...but Hollywood continues to make the same dumb mistakes over and over...Ghostbusters failure was predictable from day 1...if your hook is “now with women!” you’ve already failed because a hook is not why people go to movies...Just make a

not gonna lie... I kinda hated this episode. The sitcom gag ran way too long and just got stupid at a point. This is basically the case of a writer drinking their own Kool-Aid.

Dom is the FBI agent. Cisco is the one that gave Angela’s boyfriend the CD.

she scoots over and lets Jack live too

not take an equally hardline and absurd stance in the hopes that it will guilt people into liking your substandard work.

For the last point you made, Katharine, the blame’s split between a minority of vocal, toxic misogynists and Paul Feig. They started it. He doubled down so much on the idea that the only way you could not find this movie is that you were a misogynist.

Sounds like Feig is the one that needs to get over it. People weren’t interested, and then they actively started hating it when Sony and news sites world wide started a hate campaign over the criticisms. The James Rolfe thing was when I personally decided that this movie wasn’t seeing a dime of my money.

Make it an animated LEGO Ghostbusters movie, from the creators behind The LEGO Movie. I would watch the hell out of that.

Get a couple of million of your friends to spend the $10, and it’ll happen.

“Which came first” isn’t the relevant question. It’s “which went furthest” that shapes perceptions of a film, and that’s undoubtedly the party line adopted by the chattering class (as well as the film’s own PR reps) in the instant case.

What a difference three weeks makes.

All those captions could maybe fuck off and I would’ve enjoyed the video a lot more.

Yeah I’m told that’s the sign of real maturity - never feeling regret for your actions.

You suggested a guy, his wife and children were racist, in the same sort of cowardly way Trump defames people by suggesting he’s heard people say whatever horrible lie comes his way, and you don’t see what’s wrong with that? Or the fact that you think a guy who uploads dumb YouTube videos should face the same scrutiny

I will say that in some countries, execution of drug dealers may be best. This country has problems, but this is crazy talk here.

God awful movie.

I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.