you brought the laughs out of me. Well done.
you brought the laughs out of me. Well done.
yeah, I’m kind of in that boat. He’s a douche, but (I had no idea he had a band?!) it’s his band, and well, if he wants a certain look then so be it. I think it’s dumb, but there’s nothing illegal there. She seems to be very playful herself in the other texts, so yeah, this absolutely seems like some really bad…
Shaun White has a band?
no shit? didn’t know any of this. Good for her!
lol yup. I don’t “eat” onions necessarily (don’t really like onion rings, won’t put them on a burger or coney, etc...), but damn if I don’t buy onions to basically start every flavor base when I cook.
nah man. Okra is good
As long as they’re not being sheltered from legal consequences for their actions at least.
I like Wilmore. He’s smart, clever and funny... but his show was the same thing every night, with the same topics. I watched it pretty heavy its first few months. Now it’s been a while since I even considered turning it on.
be better
that finish line photo is fucking amazing
maybe you could list for us all the things you find fun so we can judge ;)
more evidence that two really fucked up people were married I suppose...
yeah, I’ve wrestled quite a bit of freestyle. I’m confused as to how that’s not a pin. Should’ve been a protest filed.
It has been suggested, and sounds logical, that he is a little gun-shy.
well I know I’m shocked that those always powerful hashtag campaigns didn’t work
why not just ask her to go to a dressing room? Why a long haul to the bathroom?
just throwing junk against the wall... was it meant to be a longer tweet and the link sent it over the character limit, so the person posting just deleted words back? Still would be a massive oversight and cringe-worthy mistake, but also would be a little more acceptable in that instance.
but since she looks more like Leslie Jones than the “feminine” gals such as the Simones, she’ll barely get any attention from this
you are huh?!
When you’re nothing more than a creation my brands and agencies such as Taylor Swift or Beyonce, it’s kinda tough to take down. Every move they make is basically decided by focus groups.