
Also, five? Last I checked, that’s not how many Supreme Court Justices there are, and I’m pretty sure they were all lawyers before they were Justices.

Then she said she’d beef up American forces in the countries surrounding Russia and show strength in a way that Obama and Clinton did not. She added that she “wouldn’t talk to [Putin] at all.

Surely the takeaway from that is that everyone regardless of gender should look for partners with similar interests, not that men should go for younger women? There isn’t a single age at which everyone loses interest in clubbing and concerts, some people never get into it and some people never stop enjoying it. My

Ugh. YES. Facebook is the ultimate enabler for these people. I finally went through and weeded out all the navel-gazers who were yammering on about their shakes, cleanses, body wraps, workouts, etc., ad nauseam.

The tepid response to her awesome speech speaks volumes. Hollywood’s limousine liberals don’t like to be confronted with the truth.

God that speech. That speech is worth Tatiana’s loss.

I’ll just leave this here... Sigh. Billy. No

You listening, Patricia Arquette?

The thought process is literally “hmmm this name isn’t Bill or Kate or Rebecca or Jason...? Don’t recognize it, therefore can’t pronounce it! Ha! Get it? Not a real name!”

It didn’t work for me. It’s touching, but not inspirationnal.

The people in charge of rigging the Emmys love patting themselves on the back so much, they decided to use the other hand as well this year.

I’m sorry you are going through a divorce. Being previously engaged and ending it at 31, I know how you must be feeling. Please know that it gets better and you will be surprised at how many quality fish are out there in the sea looking for you.

I’m gonna do my usual rant whenever a tech company gets yelled at for not having enough minorities: It’s a pipeline problem and these articles should really be contextualized with the distribution of STEM degrees earned by minorities. I teach programming and CS at a large urban public university system, so one of

“The culprit is our educational system, not these companies.” <- agreed.

Not a lot of women, or black women, go into tech. Actual tech, blogging does not count as being a “woman in tech.”

If Twitter has knowingly discouraged black women from applying or unfairly rejected qualified black women, management is indeed racist. However, I wonder if the culprit is our educational system, not these particular companies.

25% of tech is Asian. Asians, including South Asians, are over represented in tech, so boiling it down to simple racism is an oversimplification. Do you think Google and Twitter are rejecting hundreds of black candidates who pass their very, very difficult tests? If so, they need to change. However, if they aren’t,

I wonder how many black woman have applied to work at Twitter. Meaning, has Twitter rejected hundreds of qualified black women on purpose and hired only Asian and white instead, or have there been very few qualified black women applicants?

We endorsed Bernie Sanders. We fought to pass and implement the Affordable Care Act. We volunteer more of our time (to shelters, schools, Doctors Without, Borders, the Red Cross, and the RN Relief Network) than almost any other group of professionals. Meaningful enough for you?

Nurses are very cool, very hard-working people. By contrast, the talking heads on The View just sit there and run their fool mouths. Way to pick a fight, geniuses.