Thank you everyone for your replies... It does help to know that I’m not crazy in maybe thinking this was off-base!
Thank you everyone for your replies... It does help to know that I’m not crazy in maybe thinking this was off-base!
Even if school procedures call for a student to be arrested, an interrogation without representation or guardians of a minor present is illegal. Furthermore, focusing on his last name and trying to press him like he’s a terrorist is horrible.
I also have to wonder - if they’re sitting around a “bomb,” why wasn’t the…
Translation: Muslim plus battery equals bomb.
Even so... why did he need to be led out in handcuffs? In front of his peers and through his school? That’s not acceptable procedure when dealing with a teenager who has only been suspected of something (and agree with all who says it can only be a “hoax bomb” if he SAYS that’s what it is!). Sometimes a clock is just…
Oh, honey. I know this is none of my business, but I simply can’t help wanting you to run in the opposite direction as fast as possible.
And that when they allegedly believe something is a bomb, they put it in a desk and stand around discussing it. Desk are super duper indestructible.
And like, if it was a bomb ... no one noticed it until the alarm went off in his backpack. Movies tell me that’s when bombs go boom.
To borrow a line from Kara Brown, “Let our collective litigation* manifest itself in an energy so powerful and unwavering that to deny it would be to deny the sun.”
And the lovely Mayor has nothing to say??? I’m really happy social media came through for this kid, I wish him the very best!!!
I know it’s beside the point but I do kind of like that these people’s understanding of what bombs look like seems to begin and end with Roadrunner cartoons.
like, i’m so glad this is happening but....i would rather he just got an a on his good work and not arrested.
I still can’t get over Detective Dipshit “Well, it looks like a movie bomb to me.” Was it a Looney Tunes movie, sir? Is that where you’re getting your education from?
Sue them until the mere thought of expressing their prejudices against another innocent student makes them gag.
Oh wow. that’s a lot of stuff to unpack. For me, personally, I couldn’t continue a relationship with someone who told me that he just didn’t find me attractive and wanted me to work on myself to be more attractive. like you knew what you were getting into when we got together, mister. (Within reason) :( I’d need to…
Ehhhh, I can understand the desire to want to help him improve his sex game, but is it really going to help? Like say you do tell him you two aren’t sexually compatible, what does he do from there? Watch youtube tutorials? People generally improve at sex when they’re being given advice and instruction in the moment,…
My ex told me in our divorce that he had never been physically attracted to me, it was all mental. I felt it was really unfair of him to feel that way and not tell me, because of who I am and what I need our of a relationship.
To me the bigger problem is that he wants you to change. Like, if you’re not his physical type maybe that’s not his fault. But it’s certainly not your fault either. And I don’t think a good guy would tell a woman that and then ask her to change. It’s cruel and unhealthy, especially in a world where eating…
Now that I’ve been through it, I have to agree with you. This post is actually incredibly timely for me. My partner and I are very, very different people; one of our biggest differences is that he tends to be more focused on people’s physicality whereas I care more about what’s inside. Objectively speaking, I am…
Prince Charles cheated on Diana with Camilla. No matter how gorgeous you are and how 'attracted' your mate is, if they want to cheat they will cheat. It's not always based on physical attraction.
I confess I would be really uncomfortable being with a guy who didn’t find me physically attractive. I’d always worry that he would cheat with someone who he did find physically attractive. I want to feel sexy in a relationship. I want to feel wanted and lusted after by the dude I’m with. I want him to look at me like…